Time period of the novel
When are the 1920s?
Gatsby is in love with this person.
Who is Daisy?
This symbolizes Gatsby's hopes and dreams.
What is the green light?
"I'm inclined to reserve all judgments"
Who is Nick Carraway?
Fitzgerald coined this phrase for the time period
What is The Jazz Age?
The narrator
Who is Nick Carraway?
This color symbolizes innocence/purity
What is white?
"That's the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool"
Who is Daisy Buchanan?
This made the sale and manufacturing of alcohol illegal
What is Prohibition?
Power hungry bully
Who is Tom Buchanan?
Social/Moral wasteland
What is the Valley of Ashes?
"Daisy! Daisy! Daisy! I'll say it whenever I want to!
Who is Myrtle Wilson?
Prohibition led to the rise of this group
What is organized crime?
The dishonest golfer
Who is Jordan?
The all-seeing being/The eyes of God
What are the eyes of Dr. T.J. Eckleburg?
"I like large parties. They’re so intimate. At small parties there isn’t any privacy.”
Who is Jordan Baker?
How Gatsby made his fortune
What is bootlegging?
Young women of the time who defied traditional social norms
Who are "flappers"?
Spiritless man. His wife is having an affair.
Who is George Wilson?
Daisy's voice is full of this
What is money?
"Can't repeat the past? Why of course you can!"
Who is Jay Gatsby?