Environmental Ethics
A'isha Part II
Hajj Part II

Name ONE environmental ethical teaching in Islam

Amanah, Khalifa, Akhirah, Tawhid, Mizan



A'isha won the Battle of the Camel




A'isha was the Prophet Muhammad's third and youngest wife.



What is the name of the sacred state into which a Muslim must enter in order to perform the Hajj?



What is the title given to a Muslim who has successfully completed the pilgrimage to Mecca?



What does the ethical teaching of Akhirah refer to?

The belief in the afterlife/Day of Judgement.


How many Hadith were narrated by A'isha?



Which variant of Islam has a favourable view of A'isha?

Sunni Islam


What is the name given to the act of walking between Safa and Marwa?



What is the Arabic term used to refer to the circumambulation of the Kaa'bah; and how many times do they have to circumambulate it?

Tawaaf (7 times).


Name ONE contemporary organisation which actively lives out Islamic environmental ethics.

IFEES, Green Muslims, CGIAR, Wisdom in Nature, Ummah for Earth, KhaLEAFah


What is a Hafiza?

A woman who has fully memorised the Qur'an.

Man = Hafiz


Name ONE challenge that A'isha faced during her life?

- During A’isha’s marriage with the Prophet, Muslims were a fragile new community.

- There were hypocrites within the community who were trying to undermine the unity of Muslims and integrity of Islam, as well as open enemies surrounding them trying to annihilate them.

- The Muslim world was becoming one of the superpowers, and there was an immense desire from the growing Muslim civilisation to know more about the teachings from authentic sources in order to better understand the Qur’an and Prophetic tradition after the Prophet’s passing.

- A’isha began her life during the age of Jahiliyya (The Days of Ignorance), where women were considered ‘second class or property.

- A’isha was wrongfully accused of adultery during her married life to the Prophet, which was a period of tremendous pain and suffering for A’isha and her family.

- The political murder of the third caliph Khalifah Uthman (ra) led to political instability in Medina.


Name TWO principal beliefs of Islam reflected in the Rami al-Jamarat?

Tawhid and Rusul


What is the official name for a pilgrimate to Mecca that falls outside of the specified time during Dhu'l Hiijjah



What does the term Qu'ran Al-Takwini translate as?

The Qur'an of Nature / The Qur'an of Creation


Name TWO ways A'isha's contributions have had long-lasting effects on Islam today.

- Her military leadership at the Battle of the Camel contributed to the Sunni-Shia schism that still exists today.

- A’isha’s knowledge and teachings of the Qur’an and transmission of the Hadiths are still learned and used as a source of authentic authority by many Muslim scholars.

- Some of the Hadith that A'isha narrated are actively used/followed today.

- She serves as a role model for Islamic women today through her devotion, her strength and her wisdom.

- A'isha helps models right living for Muslisms today; such as her charitable works and alms-giving (Zakat).


One of A'isha's greatest contributions to Islam's development is her Tafsir. What is a Tafsir?

A Quranic Exegesis or critical analysis/interpretation of the Holy Qur'an


The 'tent city' in Hajj is located in what city?



How many different types of Hajj are there? DOUBLE POINTS! Name and explain the types of Hajj.


1. Hajj-ul-Ifrad – this is the simplest form of Hajj and no Umrah is involved.

2. Hajj-ul-Qiran – involves making an intention to complete both the Hajj and Umrah. The Umrah is performed first, which is then followed by the Hajj, with one Tawaf and Sa’y.

3. Hajj-ul-Tamattu – involves performing Umrah during the month of Hajj, usually a few days before the Hajj is due to start. On the 8th Dhu’l Hijjah, Muslims will make a new intention and Ihram for the Hajj, and then complete the Hajj. This is performed by the majority of Muslims. – The difference between Quiran and Tamuttu is that in the Tamuttu, the adherent must perform two Tawafs and two Sa’ys.


Explain the concept of Eco-Sufism

An ecological approach which stems from Sufism; a mystical branch of Islam focused on seeking direct experiences with Allah; with the ultimate goal being unification with Him. 

Sufis believe that Allah can be understood through all aspects of creation, including the natural world; therefore there is a responsibility to care for the environment.


What is an ONE example of a hadith narrated by A'isha?

The Prophet (saw) said, All drinks that produce intoxication are Haram (forbidden to drink). Bukhari


Name TWO contributions made by A'isha to Islam's development and expression

- her narration of the Prophet Muhammad's Hadith

- her contributions to education and charity

- her contribution to Islamic law and jurisprudence 

- her Tafsir

- her military leadership


Name ONE reason that Hajj is significant for individual adherents.


• It simulates the Day of Judgement, giving rebirth to the adherents who complete it with sincerity in seeking God’s acceptance.

It confirms the unity of humanity regardless of race, gender, wealth or class

It gives the individual a sense of being at the centre of the universe and at the same time at one with all that exists in the past, present and future. This gives individuals the strength to connect to the hope of all that is good in this life and eternity.


What is the significance of the Day of Arafat?

It is a day of redemption for Muslims and an opportunity for purification and seeking Allah’s pleasure. The Day of Arafah offers another opportunity to cleanse our hearts and remember our purpose and destination. 

Arafah is also the day in which the Prophet Muhammad made his farewell sermon during his final pilgrimage and bore witness that Allah (SWT) perfected His religion, 
