What foods should you restrain when fasting?
animal products / meat and dairy products
How many Sundays make up this fast?
8 Sundays
During Emperor Heraclius is reign, which people invaded Jerusalem?
What are the two main parts of the Bible?
The Old testament and New Testament
Name ways you can grow spiritually during the fasting season?
- Deepen your prayer life
- Read your Bible frequently
- attend church
- practice self-discipline
When fasting, what else should we fast?
The ears, mouth, and ears
How many days did Our Lord Jesus Christ fast?
40 days and 40 nights
How many disciples did Our Lord Jesus Christ have?
How long is this fast?
55 days
When does the fast end this year (2025)?
What is Passion Week?
Passion Week are the 7 days the Holy Apostles fasted in the commemoration of the Passion of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
In the end of The Great Lent, what holiday is celebrated?
What day did the fast start this year (2025)?
February 24th, 2025
What is the 4th week of the fast named?
One who is infirm
Who named the 8 Sundays that make up this fast?
Saint Yared
Who should you talk to for confessions?
Priests/ Confession Father
How many separate periods make up this fast?
Which emperor is the first period of the fast commemorated to?
Emperor Heraclius
Name all 3 separate periods of the fast?
1. The fast of Emperor Heraclius
2. The 40 day fast
3. Passion Week
When it is not a fasting period, what days are fasting days?
Wednesday and Friday