Positive Coping Skills
Mental Health Diseases
Miscellaneous Stuff
Really Hard Questions

What is a coping skill to use when you're feeling angry? 

Take 5 and react, deep breaths, walk away

Name 3 physical symptoms of anxiety. 

Racing heartbeat, sweaty, red face, shallow breathing, headache

You are sitting in the dayroom working on a letter and notice someone is tapping on the table really loud. What do you do?

Explain that it is bothering your focus and ask them nicely to stop, or move to a new seat.


What percentage of communication is non-verbal?



When is it a good time to "Take 5 and react"?

When you are angry, when someone says something that upsets you, anytime you need to collect your thoughts before responding to a situation.

What can you do when you are anxious and overwhelmed?

Deep breaths, grounding techniques (ex: 5 senses, alphabet, listing things), talk to someone, draw/write, sing


What are 3 symptoms of Depression?

Loss of interest in things you normally enjoy, increased sleep, decreased appetite, irritability, loss of focus/concentration, hopelessness, sadness, feeling achy/headaches


Your cellie is normally very social and laughs a lot but today they are quiet, do not eat their meals, and do not come out on move time. How would you show them empathy/sympathy?

Ask them what's wrong and listen without interrupting, use "you" statements more then "I" statements, ask them how you can help


What is the difference between Sympathy and Empathy?

Sympathy: I CARE about your suffering (I statements mainly)

Empathy: I FEEL your suffering (You statements mainly, can put yourself in others' shoes)


True or False: You can only have one Mental Health diagnosis at a time.

False! You can have more then one at the same time.


Who benefits from someone learning and using coping skills?

Themselves & others around them



What term refers to when someone loses touch with reality and experiences things such as hallucinations, delusions, and disorganized thinking? It begins with the letter "P" and you do not have to have Schizophrenia to experience it!



Your cellie is being really LOUD and you are having trouble hearing your call. What do you do?

Use "when you do THIS it makes me feel THIS" statements, calmly ask them to please quiet down so you can finish your call, take deep breaths to stay calm


What is a self-fulfilling prophecy?

When you tell yourself something long enough that your subconscious believes it to be true and therefore you act on it.

(ex. "you'll never finish school, you aren't smart enough"--and then you drop out of school)


True or False: Meds will cure your Mental Illness when taken correctly.

False! Meds can help you manage symptoms but they do not cure them.


Name 3 positive coping skills. 

going to MH group, listening to music, working out, talking to someone, drawing, deep breathing, meditating, journaling, cleaning, positive self talk


Bipolar people have both intense Highs in mood and intense Lows in mood and tend to cycle between extremes. What is the intense high mood called?



You are getting ready to be released and you are feeling anxious (worried) about it, what do you do?

make a list and ask for help/services you can connect with, talk to someone you trust and ask for help, seek positive friends on the outside, continue education, link up with mental health services


Anxiety is caused by feeling the loss of _______?



What are some symptoms of someone experiencing Psychosis?

Hallucinations, Delusions, Disorganized thinking


True or False: Holding your emotions in helps depression get better?

False, this can actually intensify your feelings. Holding your emotions in will eventually lead to your emotions coming out, often in unhealthy ways. 


True or False: Schizophrenia is usually diagnosed in childhood.

False. It is most commonly diagnosed in early adulthood, 20-25 typically. A person has to have at least one psychotic episode.


A good friend of yours says something that really hurts your feelings but doesn't seem to notice. You are angry and upset about it. How do you address it with your friend without letting anger get the best of you?

Stay calm..take 5 then react! Then say "Hey, It bothered me when you said **this** because it made me feel like **this**."

*No name calling, no screaming. Walk away and cool down if you are too mad to talk calmly.*

Taking deep breaths and using grounding techniques (ex. counting, listing, 5 senses, etc.) are coping skills that can be used when?

Anytime! Particularly good for anxiety and anger.


What are the top 4 Mental Health Diagnoses in Adults?

Anxiety, Bipolar, Depression, Schizophrenia
