Symbols/ Images
Short Answers
The 1920's
Male in his mid thirties and runs a gas station for a living. He is unassuming and later distraught. This character represents the despair prevalent in the trapped lower- middle class.
Who is George Wilson
cools, autumn= the passage of time AND Gatsby's denial that summer is over and thus so is his relationship with Daisy.
What is the weather change
"Her voice is full of money"
Who is Gatsby
How is Gatsby introduced into the novel?
What is he is mentioned in a conversation between Nick and Jordan. Later Nick sees him on the lawn in the moonlight
What kind of music was big in the 20's?
What is Jazz
This character is in love with money, ease, and materials. Represents the amoral values of the East Egg. This character is beautiful, shallow, careless, and has no loyalty for Gatsby.
Who is Daisy
Symbolizes his clumsiness of his attempt to stop time and retrieve the past
What is Gatsby knocking over the clock
"They were careless people, Tom and Daisy."
Who is Nick
What are the "eyes" of Dr. T.J. Eckleburg?
What is an illustration on a billboard
What was the economic status of the 1920's
What is prosperous, that's why the 20's are often referred to as the roaring 20's or booming 20's
This character is reflective, tolerant, and trusted. This character gains maturity and insight into the "rich and famous" life style and learns a lesson from his experience (that lesson being the fast life is just a mask for emptiness). This character is the narrator and lives in the West Egg.
Who is Nick
This symbol changes meaning throughout the novel: beginning= Future, hope and dreams middle= taking actual steps towards the future, hopes, and dreams middle-end= obtaining the dream end= distance and loss of dream, future, hopes.
What is the green light
"Ah," she cried, "you look so cool."
Who is Daisy
Why is the book that Gatsby's father shows Nick important to the novel?
What is it shows Gatsby's romantic spirit and desire to get ahead
What was prohibition?
What is the time when it was illegal to sell, manufacture, or transport alcohol.
This character is a careless bully with a short temper. This character shows no remorse for his affair, in fact he flaunts his affair in public. This character is old money and lives in the East Egg.
Who is Tom
Symbolizes eyes of God watching the moral decay of the 1920's. The more faded they become, the more moral decay and loss of connection with God.
What is Dr. T.J. Eckleburg's eyes
"so I walked away and left him standing there in the moonlight-- watching over nothing."
Who is Nick about Gatsby as he watching Daisy and Tom eat dinner
Why do the four drive into the city on such a hot afternoon?
What is Daisy wants to avoid confrontation and get away from her problems.
What is women's suffrage?
What is the right for women to vote.
This character is mysterious, romantic, and good-hearted. This character reveals the corruption that wealth causes. He also obtained his fortune from organized crime and is later murdered in cold blood.
Who is Gatsby
Symbolizes desolation and poverty. Moral decay hidden by the beautiful faces of the Eggs, but under the Eggs lies this same ugliness.
What is The Valley of Ashes
"The books?....Absolutely real--have pages of everything. I thought they'd be made of cardboard."
Who is Owl Eyes
What has Gatsby turned Daisy into in his mind?
What is Gatsby has idolized Daisy to be more than she is
Who is the author of The Great Gatsby?
F. Scott Fitzgerald