The last Chinese dynasty.
What was the Qing?
Adam Smith wrote the manifest for this system.
What is capitalism?
Western African societies' version of enslaved labor was distinct from the plantation economy in that most were this.
What were women?
Edmund Burke authored a critique of the French Revolution, kickstarting this ideology.
What is conservatism?
A much older term from the 1930s, it was revived in Among Us as an expression of doubt about others.
What is "sus"?
An empire that spans the seas.
What is transoceanic?
Where raw materials typically originate.
What is the periphery?
The proletariat.
What is the working-class.
Key political theorists developed this foundational concept that emphasized the role of the "people" in controlling their own destinies.
What is popular sovereignty?
Mainstream culture or brands.
What is "basic"?
The Ottoman program of modernization.
What were the Tanzimat Reforms?
What was forged globally from liberal imperialism and the 2nd Industrial Revolution.
What was the Modern World System?
The bourgeoisie sought to replace religious ideologies with this all-conquering secular faith.
What was nationalism?
The multiple disciplines which emerged during the Enlightenment to construct a "science of man."
What are the social sciences?
A response to a cringe perhaps even inappropriate comment.
What is "big yikes"?
The trait of a powerful society.
What is hegemonic?
Palm oil, petroleum, and this raw material were critical to the industrial development of European societies.
What is natural rubber?
Mexico and other Latin American states sought their independence when this figure dominated Europe.
Who was Napoleon?
The Age of Reason began with this period that created a breakthrough in knowledge production.
What was the Copernican Revolution?
The only kind of memes I make.
What is dank?
Any Islamic empire controlling Mecca and Madinah.
What is the caliphate?
Alongside Adam Smith, this was the name of the French school of liberal thinkers focusing on laissez-faire.
What were the physiocrats or les economistes?
The name of the older, feudal order in France and Europe generally prior to the Atlantic Revolutions.
What was the ancien regime?
The biting ideological critique of industrial society.
What is Marxism?
+10000 personality.
What is "aura"?