What is my favourite character from Harry Potter?
Luna! :]]]]]]]
What are my nicknames?
Twizzler and Sherlock. :/
Purple, red, and green. (Black doesn't count. It's a SHADE. :/)
What's my dream job?
To be a tree! ...Writer.
The Butchery.
What are my favourite characters from Doctor Who?
K-9 and River. (And Missy. And the TARDIS.)
Why doesn't Finley like sheep?
Finley don't like sheep cause Max let Fortis Bunny eat him. >:/
Favourite game in general?
Probably Minecraft.
Who is my best friend?
What are my favourite genres?
Horror. And fantasy. And some mystery.
Favourite horror movie?
Depends. You have to ask me. :/
What was the most recent story I wrote? (That you read.) And why was the plot of it?
Logan is kid. Logan's mom says don't go up hill. Logan says lol no. Logan fly up hill like Batman. Logan meets uncle. Logan knows that hill is good. Town is bad. And Liam gets abandoned after kicking soccer ball into Logan's face.
When is my birthday?
June 26, 9999.
Favourite school subject?
What is my favourite thing to write about?
Things. :].
Favourite movie in general?
Silence Of The Lambs! :]]]]]]]]]]]
Why do I like :/?
(Hint: Chad should know. You played them with me... Plus they are related.)
Larry, Sarry, Barry, Tarry, Parry, etc... And Larry's sisters! Dolly and Cassie.
What is my middle name?
Elizabeth. :/
Am... Am I mentally stable?
No. Definitely not. I am SO not mentally stable... And you guys aren't either. >:/.
Where was I before I lived here?
What is my favourite line from Earthworm/Jabez?
I'm a nice person! I'm a girl scout cookie.
(I have so many favourites... But that's the only one I can think of right now. :/)
What is my favourite line from Chad/Watson?
Not so fast you rascals! I've got you now! :]]]]]]]]]]]
Favourite line from Spike? (Why is this a question? I don't know... I'm tired. 😔.)
The bird's dead Dru. You left it in a cage and you didn't feed it. Now it's all dead. Just like the last one. >:/. (Bonus: I'm sorry... I'm a bad rude man... Do you want a new bird? One that's not dead? :/.)
Special question. You have to ask me for it! :/.
I'm tired. :/. And mentally unstable. I might just ask my Alexa to play some weird song at 3 am.