Types of Guns
Second Amendment
Gun Legislation
Purchasing Restrictions
Background Checks

Is a machine gun a semi-automatic or automatic firearm



Is the second amendment is a ______ law

A. Foreign

B. Federal

C. Legislative

D. State

B. Federal


What is the concealed carry:

Having a hidden gun on your person.


What is a waiting period?

A waiting period is a certain amount of time that a potential gun owner needs to wait for them to receive their gun after buying it.


Does the law that requires people selling guns to run the buyer's name through a background check only apply to licensed sellers or does it apply to both?

It only applies to licensed sellers


What is the difference between a semi-automatic and automatic gun.

A semi-automatic gun fires every time the trigger is pressed and an automatic fires many times while the trigger is being held down.


What is the second amendment an amendment to?

The constitution of the Unites States of America.


What is the difference between "may issue" and "shall issue" states on conceal carry permits.

Some states, called "may issue" states, are not required to issue permits even if applicants meet the state's criteria. Others, referred to as "shall issue" states, are required to do so.


Under Federal Law, it is illegal to purchase a gun if you have committed gun-related misdemeanors. What exactly is a gun-related misdemeanor?

Gun-related misdemeanors are crimes that are less serious than felonies that are related to guns.


When did the FBI create a program that ran background checks on gun buyers.



What two fully-automatic guns were mentioned in the article as 'assault weapons'

AK-47, AR-15


What is the difference between federal and state laws and can state and federal laws conflict each other?

State laws apply to the states and usually vary between them, and federal laws apply to the whole country. ; No


What is the gun show loophole?

It is a loophole that allows private sellers to sell guns without doing a background check.


What is the minimum federal age to buy a handgun for a licensed and an unlicensed dealer? And are these ages the same for every state?

18 for an unlicensed dealer, and 21 for a licensed dealer. ; No.


What law did congress pass that required licensed sellers to perform background checks on people who want to buy a gun?

Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act


What is the difference between hand guns and long guns?

Hand guns can be held with one hand and have a shorter barrel, while long guns have to be held with two hands and have a long barrel.


When was the second amendment adopted?



Fill in the blank, the amount of dashes show the amount of letters in the word.

State and federal laws decide who can -----------, ---, ----, --- or transfer firearms, and under what conditions.

State and federal laws decide who can manufacture, buy, sell, own or transfer firearms, and under what conditions.


Under federal law, who can buy long guns?

A: People over 18

B: Anyone that owns a permit

C: Anyone from an unlicensed dealer

D: People over 21 who have completed the necessary training

C: Anyone from an unlicensed dealer


When did congress pass a law that required licensed sellers to perform background checks on people who want to buy a gun?



Do states distinguish hand guns and long guns in their legislation? If so, give an example of a specific state with separate minimum ages.

Yes; for example in Ohio, you need to be 18 to own a long gun and you need to be 21 to own a handgun.


What is the Second Amendment word for word

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.


What was the Supreme Court ruling on the District of District of Columbia v. Heller, in 2008?

The Supreme Court overruled a District of Colombia law that prevented residents from owning certain handguns.


What 3 categories of people cannot legally buy guns.

People who have been convicted of felonies, which are the most serious crimes such as murder. People who were involuntarily committed to a mental institution or who have certain mental conditions cannot legally buy guns. People who are living in the U.S. illegally and people who were dishonorably discharged from the military cannot legally buy guns either.


What is the name of the program that the FBI created to run background checks on gun buyers?

National Instant Criminal Background Check System
