The play that we preformed in during 8th grade.
What is The Wicked Wizard of Oz?
The girl Cam first fancied at Pingree.
Who is Kenzie?
The name of Andrew's dog he got right before school started.
Who is Boone?
The game we'd play in the Gunnar chat.
What is 8-Ball?
The body of water we canoe on every year.
What is the Ipswich River?
Our sixth grade English teacher.
Who is Ms. Black?
The plush Cam used to win his school election.
What is the Shark?
The milestone Cam achieved in the musical at Pingree.
What is a First Kiss?
The movie we saw that was painfully bad.
What is the Emoji Movie?
The food we were eating when taking a break from Pokemon Go! and saw Mr. Falconer.
What is Frozen Yogurt?
The location that Cam, Whalen, and Andrew went to before eighth grade began.
What is Quebec?
The sport Andrew first tried in the Fall season.
What is football?
The holiday weekend where John became "a man"... in many ways.
When is Easter?
The school that was recruiting Andrew heavily for throwing.
What is Connecticut College?
The hair color of Brick (the girl John met at Maine Media).
What is Red?
The champion that Whalen played in his only League of Legends game.
Who is Vladimir?
The sport that we played on Andrew's birthday.
What is Basketball?
The final score (within 10 points) of the Pingree vs. Gov's JV Basketball when Whalen and Andrew played eachother.
What is 68-52?
The food Andrew brought when we squadded up at John's house in February.
What is Chipolte?
The place where we sometimes put our coats.
What is a tote?
Andrew's beat-boxing stage-name during Brookwood Idol in the sixth grade.
Who is Dr. Drew?
The nickname given to Whalen's female-of-choice.
Who is Mr. Clean?
The amount of weight Andrew lost after he started to work out?
What is 25 pounds?
John's problem with a female right before spring break?
What is erectile dysfunction?
The location that we slept outside between freshman and sophomore year.
Where is Cam's Backyard in a Tent?