This provides quick energy, which is essential for athletic performance and endurance
Sharing this can spread bacteria and viruses, increasing the risk of illnesses like strep throat and the flu
What is water bottles or drinks
A sprain affects these connective tissues that hold bones together
What are ligaments
Warming up increases blood flow to what? Also improves flexibility and reduces the risk of strains and sprains.
Washing your hands for at least this many seconds helps prevent the spread of germs
What is 20 seconds
This helps repair and build muscle tissue after exercise, reducing risk of injuries
Doing this regularly reduces the spread of infections, such as colds, flu, skin infections, which can spread in locker rooms and gyms.
This type of injury effects the tendons
What is a strain
Overtraining can lead to fatigue, decreased performance, increased injury risk and this B word
To prevent spreading germs, athletes should cover their coughs and sneezes with this
What is their elbow (or tissue)
Fatigue, muscle cramps, dizziness, reduced endurance are all signs of this problem
What is Dehydration
Doing this while sick can weaken the immune system, worsen symptoms, and increase the risk of spreading illness to teammates.
A concussion is a type of injury that affects this organ
The brain
Ignoring pain can lead to more serious injuries such as chronic tendonitis or these types of fractures
This highly contagious skin infection, often seen in contact sports, causes red sores and requires antibiotic treatment
What is impetigo
These drinks contain high levels of caffeine and sugar, which can lead to dehydration, increased heart rate, and crashes in energy levels
What is Energy Drinks
Showering after practice, washing uniforms regularly, keeping wounds covered, and using personal towels are all examples of proper what? To prevent infection spread
These are painful contractions that can occur due to dehydration and electrolyte imbalance
Muscle spasms/cramps
Reduces repetitive stress on specific muscles and joints, decreasing the risk of overuse injuries while improving overall fitness.
What is cross training
Athletes should avoid practice and games when experiencing these two common symptoms of infection
Fever and vomiting
This type of nutrition replenishes glycogen stores, repairs muscles, and promotes recovery
Walking barefoot in the locker room and showers can cause this type of infection like athletes' foot and plantar warts.
This torn ligament is a serious knee injury
ACL anterior cruciate ligament
What is a cool-down
A cut or scrape can become infected with this dangerous type of bacteria, leading to MRSA
What is staphylococcus (STAPH)