Which mammal has the largest heart?
What day of the week is believed to be most common for a heart attack to occur?
In the sci-fi movie Fantastic Voyage, they temporarily induce this 2 word condition, so that the crew could safely detour through Dr. Benes' heart.
Cardiac arrest
Which living creature has the smallest heart?
Fairy Fly
If you were to stretch out your blood vessel system, about how many miles would it extend?
60,000 miles
Celine Dion sang this 'hearty' song for the sound track of the movie, Titanic.
My Heart Will Go On
Which creature has 3 hearts?
Where does the beating sound of you heart come from?
Opening and closing of valves
In the English language, moving to a different opinion is called this, doctors would perhaps call this a transplant.
Change of heart