The bones that make up the hip joint
What is the femur and pelvis?
These are the hip abductors
What is the Gluteus Medius, Gluteus Minimus, Tensor Fascia Latae?
These are the main nerves for the groin region.
What is the femoral and obdurator nerves?
This is what the q angle is.
The common distal attachment of the Quadriceps group.
What is the Proximal border of patella and through patellar tendon to tibial tuberosity?
This ligament is often referred to as the Y ligament
What is the iliofemoral ligament?
With the proximal attachment fixed the illiapsoas does this.
What is flexing the hip joint and assisting in external rotation of the hip joint?
These are the attachment sites of the gracilis.
What is the inferior ramps of the pubis and the anterior, medial surface of body of tibia, distal to condyle?
These three membranes form into one knee cavity
What is the infra patellar, suprapatellar and mediopatellar plica?
These are the main innervations of the Hamstrings and Quadriceps
What is the femoral and sciatic nerves?
This ligament attaches from the Fovea Capitis to the inferior aspect of the acetabulum
What is the Teres Femoris?
These are the attachment sites of the Gluteus Maximus.
What is Posterior ¼ of the posterior crest of the ilium, posterior surface of sacrum and coccyx, Deeper fibers into gluteal tuberosity of femur and iliotibialtract of fasciae latae?
This muscle performs no actions at the hip joint
What is the Gracilis?
These are the 5 knee ligaments.
What is the Medial Collateral, Lateral Collateral, Oblique popliteal, Anterior Cruciate and Posterior Cruciate?
These are two jointed muscles
What is the Rectus Femoris, Sartorius, Gracilis and Hamstrings group?
These are the sis ligaments of the Hip Joint
What is the iliofemoral, ischiofemoral, articular capsule, transverse acetabular, pubofemoral, and teres femoris
This is very thin medially and dense and well defined laterally.
What is the fascia latae?
These are the attachment sites of the Adductor Brevis.
What is the inferior ramus of pubis and the distal 2/3 of pectinealline, and proximal ½ of medial lip of lineaaspera?
These are the four aspects of the patella.
What is the medial facet, lateral facet, base and apex?
These are the attachments of Tailor's muscle.
What is the Sartorius and ASIS and superior ½ of notch just distal to ASIS, and Proximal part of anterior, medial surface of tibia near anterior border?
This ligament is involved in resisting the hip as it extends but aids in its external rotation; it also plays an important role.
What is the iliofemoral ligament and playing a role in standing posture?
This muscle increases lumbar lordosis when acting bilaterally.
What is the Psoas Major?
These muscles are responsible for medial rotation of the hip.
What is the Gluteus Minimus, Gluteus Medius(anterior fibers),Tensor Fascia Latae, Semimembranosus and the Semitendinosus?
This tendon is connected to the Gluteus Maximus.
What is the IT Band?
This is referred to as the Pas Anserine Group.
What is the conjoined tendons of the semitendinosus, Gracilis and Sartorius?