Osteology and Anterior Compartments
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The patella is a free floating bone suspended in a tendon (like the pisiform), known ___ bone.
What is a sesamoid bone
Actions of the sartorius. Double points for it's latin meaning.
What is flexes abducts and laterally rotates the hip, and flexes the knee
Major structures found just deep to the inguinal ligament at the base of the femoral triangle.
What is the (from lateral to medial) the femoral nerve, artery, vein, empty space, and lymphatics. (NAVEL)
The large prominence on the anterior surface of the tibia known as the _____ allows for insertion of the quadriceps femoris
What is the tibial tuberosity
Innervation of the Iliopsoas
What is the femoral nerve (illiacus) and L2-4 (psoas major).
The femoral artery passes deep to the sartorius in the ___ canal.
What is subsartorial (also accept adductor and hunters)
The fascia lata (deep fascia) surrounds the muscles of the lower limb and serves two main purposes.
What is to allow the muscles to contract forcibly against the veins to help in venous return and allow the muscles to work more efficiently together.
Exception in the innervation of the pectineus
What is that it may be innervated by either the femoral or obturator nerve.
During recovery from a gunshot wound of the right pelvis, the patient notices a lurch in his gait. When he lifts his left foot off of the ground, his pelvis dips down on the left side. The nerve that appears to have been injured is the:
What is the superior gluteal nerve. What is the name of this sign and the muscle affected?
Actions of the anterior compartment of the thigh
What is extend the leg and flex the hip.
Action, innervation and blood supply of the medial compartment.
What is to adduct the thigh, obturator nerve and artery.
In order to avoid injury to the sciatic nerve, intramuscular injections should be given in which quadrant of the buttock?
What is the upper lateral
Three heads of the quadriceps
What is the rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, and vastus intermedius
action of the gracilis on the knee
What is flexion