Old English period
The colonial & early national period
Middle English period
The romantic
Realism &

What was a strong belief during the Old English period?

A strong belief during the Old English period was in Fate.


What were Native American oral traditions used for?

Native American oral traditions were used to pass down myths, legends, and folklore through generations.


When did the Middle English period take place?

The Middle English period took place from 1066 to 1485.


When did the Romantic Period in American literature take place?

The Romantic Period in American literature took place from 1830 to 1865.


When did the Realism literary movement emerge?

 The Realism literary movement emerged in the mid-19th century.


How did literature serve multiple purposes in Old English society?

was used to express religious faith, give moral instruction, and celebrate heroic warriors who prevailed in battle. It also helped to unite diverse people through its oral tradition and myths.


What did these narratives provide insight into?

These narratives provided insight into the rich cultural heritage, spiritual beliefs, and social structures of indigenous peoples.


What were the main literary influences during this time?

The main literary influences during this time were French and Latin literature.


What were the main themes emphasized in Romantic literature?

Romantic literature emphasized emotion, individualism, and the sublime in nature.


What is a key characteristic of Realism?

 Realism is characterized by its focus on depicting everyday life and society with an objective, truthful approach.


What two worlds were juxtaposed in Old English literature?

The Old English period juxtaposed the church and pagan worlds.


What intellectual movement emphasized reason, science, and individualism?

The Enlightenment was the intellectual movement that emphasized reason, science, and individualism.


Who was the most prominent figure of the Middle English period?

The most prominent figure of the Middle English period was Geoffrey Chaucer.


What was the Romantic reaction against?

Romantics reacted against the rationalism of the Enlightenment and the mechanization brought by the Industrial Revolution.


How does Naturalism differ from Realism?

Naturalism is an extension of Realism with a greater emphasis on the scientific and deterministic aspects of life.


 How did literature serve religious and moral purposes in the Old English period?

Literature in the Old English period was used to express religious faith and give moral instruction.


What were some of the earliest American writings?

 Some of the earliest American writings included religious sermons and tracts by Puritans, Native American oral traditions transcribed by settlers, and practical and straightforward non-fiction texts written by early colonialists.


What is Chaucer's most famous work?

"The Canterbury Tales".


How did industrialization and urbanization influence Romantic literature

Industrialization and urbanization led to a counter-movement that idealized nature, rural life, and the pastoral landscape


What event influenced the shift towards a more realistic portrayal of American life?

The Civil War led to a more sober and realistic portrayal of American life in literature.


What were the effects of Christianity and oral tradition on Old English society?

 Christianity helped to spread literacy and introduce the Roman alphabet to Britain. Meanwhile, the oral tradition helped to unite diverse people and preserve their myths.


What were the purposes of literature during this time?

 Literature during this time served to record history, promote religious beliefs, reflect on the challenges of settling a new land, and address issues around politics and the future of America.


What were some of the literary styles and genres of the Middle English period?

Some of the literary styles and genres of the Middle English period included oral tradition, folk ballads, mystery and miracle plays, morality plays, stock epithets, kennings, moral tales, frame stories, and religious instruction through morality and miracle plays.


: What fueled a sense of adventure and the sublime in Romantic literature?

The concept of Manifest Destiny and the exploration of the American frontier fueled a sense of adventure and the sublime.


What themes did writers explore during the post-war Reconstruction era?

 Writers explored themes of social change, justice, and the struggles of newly emancipated African Americans during the post-war Reconstruction era.
