Brutus 1
Federalist no. 10
Federalist no. 51
Constitutional Compromises
Principles of the Constitution

Who wrote Brutus 1?

Brutus 1 was written by Robert Yates


Who wrote Federalist No. 10?

Federalist No. 10 was written by James Madison.


Who wrote Federalist No. 51?

Federalist No. 51 was written by James Madison.


What is a Constitutional Compromise?

These were made to please both parties and take aspects of both together to make both parties happy.


What is the concept of Checks and Balances?

This is the concept of having multiple branches of government, distributing the power between each in order to set up a safety net in case one branch becomes corrupt or makes a bad call.


What is the significance of Brutus 1?

Brutus 1 is an Anti-Federalist essay that opposes the Constitution's ratification due to fears of centralized power.


What topic does Federalist No. 10 discuss?

Federalist No. 10 discusses the dangers of factions in a republic.


What is the main idea of Federalist No. 51?

The main idea of Federalist No. 51 is to advocate for checks and balances within the government.


What was the 3/5ths compromise?

This was a famous compromise, where each slave was counted as three-fifths of a person when voting. This compromise was mainly between the North and the slave-owning South.


What is Federalism?

Federalism describes a system of government where some powers belong to the national government, and some powers belong to the state government.


Why is Brutus 1 important?

Brutus 1 is important because it represents the Anti-Federalist perspective on the Constitution.


What was the stance of Federalist No. 10 on the United States Constitution?

Federalist No. 10 argued for the general ratification of the United States Constitution and supported it in general.


What would happen if the government lacked checks and balances?

Without checks and balances, certain aspects of the government would have more power than others


What is another name for the Connecticut Compromise?

The Great Compromise


What is the concept of Popular Sovereignty?

Popular sovereignty is the principle that the leaders of a state and its government are created and sustained by the consent of its people, who are the source of all political legitimacy.
