The Great Depression
World War II
The Cold War
The Vietnam War
The Postwar and Civil Rights
Who were the presidents during the Great Depression?
Herbert Hoover and Franklin D. Roosevelt
Who were the leaders of Germany, Italy, and Soviet Union
Adolf Hitler became a dictator in Germany, Joseph Stalin also became dictator in the Soviet Union, and Benito Mussolini became the leader of Fascist Italy
What was the Cold War
It was a rivalry between the United States and Soviet Union
What is a Vietcong?
guerrillas who opposed Diem
What was the GI Bill of Rights?
Many veterans can get money form their businesses. They can afford to pay for college. Provided a full year of unemployment benefits for the veterans who can't find work.
What was the New Deal and what were its main goals?
The New Deal was a program of President Franklin D. Roosevelt to end the Great Depression. Its main goals are relief for the jobless, plans for economic recovery, and reforms to prevent another depressions.
Who did Hitler blame Germany's problems on and what did he plan to do with them.
He blamed the problems on the Jews and he planned to exterminate all the Jews in Europe
What was the Berlin Wall? In which side was the democratic and communist?
The Berlin Wall was built in 1961 to seal off East Berlin from West Berlin. East Germany was the communist side. West Germany was democratic
What is a Guerrilla?
fighters who make hit-and-run attacks on the enemy.
What was the major postwar problem?
Name one program for relief, recovery, and reform
Relief: CCC or FERA Recovery: NIRA or NRA Reform: FDIC
What was the Neutrality Acts?
It was a series of laws passed by Congress in 1935 that banned arms sales or loans to countries at war.
Why did the United States distrusted the Soviet Union? Why did the Soviet Union distrusted the United States?
The United States distrusted the Soviets because of their communist rejection of religion and private property. The Soviets distrusted the Western Powers because they were scared that the United States would use its military power to attack Soviet Union because it's the world's most powerful nation.
Why did Diem lost popular support during the 1950s
Because many South Vietnamese thought that he favored wealthy landlords and was corrupt and he failed to help the nation's peasant majority
What is segregation?
separation of races in schools, restaurants, and other public places.
What is deficit spending?
government practice of spending more than is taken in from taxes
Name two nations that are in the Axis Powers and the Allies
Axis: Germany, Japan, Italy Allies: Britain, France, Soviet Union, United States
What happened at the Bay of Pigs Invasion?
President Kennedy sent Cuban exiles to Cuba to try to overthrow Castro. Unfortunately, the invasion was unsuccessful because the Cuban forces quickly rounded up the exiles and jailed them
What worried the American leaders about Vietcong successes?
If South Vietnam fell to communism they believed that other countries in the region would follow
What happened after Rosa Parks's arrest?
It angered African Americans in Montgomery. Then they boycotted the buses to hurt the city economically to force an end to segregation on the buses.
What is the Black Cabinet?
It was a group of black leaders who unofficially advised President Roosevelt concerning the situation of African Americans
What were the five turning points of World War II?
Battle of Midway, Battle of Stalingrad, Invasion of Italy, Battle of El Alamein, and D-Day(Normandy)
What was the crisis in Cuba?
President Kennedy learned that the Soviets were transporting nuclear warheads to Cuba. He then took the initiative to send his warships to intercept Soviet transport ships.
What was the Tet Offensive?
The Tet Offensive was a major turning point for the Vietcong. They won a major political victory. They also showed that even with half a million American troops, no part of South Vietnam was safe from Vietcong attack.
What were the effects of the bus boycott?
The Supreme Court ruled that segregation on buses was unconstitutional. The Montgomery bus company agreed to integrate the buses and to hire black bus drivers.