Which president referred to ecuador as an amazonian country?
Jaime Roldós Aguilera
On what date is the Battle of Tarqui commemorated?
February 27th
Who was known as the old fighter?
Eloy Alfaro
In what year was the historic center of Quito declared Cultural Heritage of Humanity.
Which president was kidnapped in 1987?
León Febres Cordero
On what date is the Battle of Pichincha?
May 24th
Who was known as the great singer of Junín?
José Joaquín de Olmed
Which entity created the historical park of Guayaquil?
Central Bank of Ecuador
Which president had to flee by helicopter?
Lucio Edwin Gutiérrez
On what date is the First Cry of Independence in America?
August 10th
who was known as "TAITA OBISPO"?
Monseñor Leonidas Proaño
When was the historic center of Ibarra declared a World Heritage Site?
Who is the current president of ecuador?
Guillermo Lasso
On what date is the Day of the National Coat of Arms?
October 31th
Who was the first woman to vote in Ecuador?
Matilde Hidalgo de Procel
In what year was the construction of the historic center of Ibarra completed?