This word means threatening; suggesting that something bad will happen...(ominous or mad)
What is ominous`
To avoid being noticed, Stella wore a ___________ outfit of blue jeans and a white T-shirt.
What is nondescript
What state did Ronald Adams' start in?
What is New York
This word means to two things that happen by chance at the same time or place....
What is Coincidence
The evil scientist had gone ___________ many years earlier, after the nuclear experiment.
What is Mad
This word means looking normal; having no unusual details
What is Nondescript
The _________ clouds in the distance did not stop the boys from setting out in their little sailboat.
What is ominous
What season is it when Ronald is in Ohio? (Autumn or Winter)
What is Autumn
This word means in a way that is easy to recognize or understand; clearly
What is distinctly
Harold spoke so clearly and ______________ that no one asked him to repeat himself.
What is distinctly
This word means having severe mental illness; insane
What is Mad
It was quite a __________ that James and Alma had come from the same small town.
What is coincidence