
Where in the bible is this verse: “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my Words will by no means pass away.” (Matthew 24:35 - Jeremiah 1:12- 2Peter 1:21)

Matthew 24:35.


All the Books of the Holy Bible were written by various prophets, in different forms, in a period of ……. years.

about 1500 


There were certain people appointed to copy the books of the old testament called ……. in great care, preciseness and very strict laws.

The Scribes


St. ........ wrote the Book of Acts and also the Book of (John- Mark- Luke - Matthew - Romans- Ezra)

St. Luke, Luke


Mention 4 of St. Paul’s Epistles? How many are they in total ( St. Paul’s)?

Books of 1&2 Corinthians, Ephesians, 1&2 Thessalonians, Romans. 14 epistles.


Where is this verse in the bible: "But first of all, we must understand that no prophecy of Scripture is a matter of one’s own interpretation because no prophecy ever came by the impulse of man but men, moved by the Holy Spirit, spoke from God." (Matthew 24:35 - Jeremiah 1:12 - 2Peter 1:20,21)

2Peter 1:20,21


The Five Books of Moses called …… and they are Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.   It is a Hebrew word that means ..…. or ……, but sometimes it refers to the Old Testament as a whole.

Torah – law - Nomos


Modern sciences bear witness to the Bible (Archaeology, geology, geography, law, astronomy, biology, anatomy, etc. For example ....., ..... & .....

Jonah, Moses & the red sea & Sodom &Gomorrah


The (New - Old) Testament has more books than the ...... Testament.

Old - New


Why is the version of the Holy Bible that we have in hand lacking the Second Canonical Books? How many are these books?

It is the Protestant version of books:7


A very large number of ancient biblical manuscripts were found in libraries of monasteries in ( USA – England – Egypt- Turkey).



Thus Orthodox Churches believe in the Holy Bible which consists of … not … Books of the Old Testament.

46 not 39


But it was (Ptolemy II - Ptolemy III - Ptolemy I – Arestias), of the Greek Ptolemaic dynasty, who in the 3rd century BC commissioned ….. Jewish scholars to translate their Hebrew Bible into Greek.

Ptolemy II, 72


Behold, …….shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name....... ( Isaiah 9:14- Isaiah 7:14 - John 5:39)

The Virgin – Immanuel – Isaiah 7:14 


Mention 3 reasons why it us impossible to pervert the Old Testament?

1-Modern sciences proof the facts in the scriptures.

2-Because people kept it and preserved it. There were certain people appointed to write it (the Scribes) in great care, preciseness and very strict laws. Why would they agree to pervert these books, though they killed Christ?

3-There is no copy of the Old Testament that differs from the old copies preserved in the museums of the world (The copy of the Vatican, the Alexandrian copy and the copy of Sinai).

4-There are more than 300 prophecies about the details of the life of Lord Christ, whom they refuse up till now, written in the Old Testament. If it had been perverted, they would have perverted these events, which contradict their beliefs and also the weaknesses of their prophets.


The Septuagint was done in the (1st  - 2nd- 3rd - 6th ) century BC.

2nd BC


The Second Canonical Books are called ………. Which  means…..or ……. They are among the books of the Old Testament that were written after…... 

The Apocrypha (Deuterocanon) – secret – hidden – Ezra


The important translation of the bible into Greek became known as the……….



....... was one of the Hebrews who were assigned to participate in the Septuagint  and lived to see Jesus Christ. He lived for around (50 - 100 - 200 - 300) years

Simeon, 300


Mention 3 reasons why it us impossible to pervert the New Testament?

1-The apostles faced tremendous tortures and were ready to even die for the date of Spreading the word of God and the teachings of the Holy Bible, how can they face all that for something perverted or not true.

2-The Holy Bible has been translated into 1500 languages and dialects which started as early as the 3rd century, all these translations is a proof over each others to proof that it is impossible that he bible was perverted.

3-There was no benefit for the disciples to alter or change any of the scriptures original words as they suffered a lot and endured death for the sake of the gospel. They were preaching Christ crucified, a stumbling block to Jews and folly to Gentiles (1 Corinthians 1:23). "و لكننا نحن نكرز بالمسيح مصلوبا؛لليهود عثرة و لليونانيين جهالة."


During rehearsal very early centuries (1st and 2nd) Gospels and fragments of the gospels were found written on (Stones- parchment paper – papyrus paper – walls) .



The second canonical books are ……..- ……..- ………..-Joshua the Son of Sirach - the book of Baruch and First and Second Maccabees. Some passages were added to the books of …....and the prophecies of ………

Tobit-Judith-Wisdom- Esther- Daniel


All the books that St. John wrote in the Holy Bible are ......., ........, ......., ...... & ........

The gospels of John- John 1 , John 2 & John 3 ( epistles)- The book of Revelation 


The Dead Sea Scrolls: Date back to the……..century; found in 1948 in caves near the community of (Iraq- Egypt - Qumran - Nazareth) They contain the text of most of the Old Testament.

1st – Qumran ( near Jordan)


How is the Patrology a great evidence that the Holy Bible is impossible to have been perverted?

Patrology: these very early saints and fathers from the early centuries used to Quote so many times from the old scriptures verses, and these quotes are exactly similar to the scriptures that we have in our hands now.
