Who is the narrator of The House on Mango Street?
What does Esperanza dream of having in the future?
A house of her own.
What does the house on Mango Street symbolize?
It represents both Esperanza’s family and her desire for a better future.
"In English my name means hope. In Spanish it means too many letters."
Who is Esperanza?
Where does Esperanza’s family live?
On Mango Street.
What does Cathy say is happening to the neighborhood?
She says people like her are moving out because the neighborhood is getting worse.
How does the theme of identity appear in "My Name"?
Esperanza struggles with her name, feeling it doesn’t reflect who she wants to be.
What does the bicycle symbolize in "Our Good Day"?
Friendship, freedom, and shared joy.
"Her name is Cathy. She is the queen of cats."
Who is Cathy?
Why does Esperanza dislike her house on Mango Street?
It’s small, run-down, and not the dream home she imagined.
Who are Rachel and Lucy?
Esperanza’s friends who buy a bike with her.
How does gender affect Esperanza’s world in "Boys & Girls"?
She sees that boys and girls live in separate worlds, and she feels alone.
What does Esperanza’s name symbolize in “My Name”?
The weight of heritage and the struggle between identity and expectations.
"We are tired of being beautiful."
Who are Rachel and Lucy?
How does Esperanza meet Rachel and Lucy?
She gives them five dollars to buy a bike together
What do we learn about Meme Ortiz in his vignette?
His real name is Juan, he has a dog with two names, and he broke both arms jumping off a tree.
How do the descriptions of hair in "Hairs" connect to family and comfort?
Each family member’s hair represents their personality, and her mother’s hair is a source of warmth and safety.
Why is the tree in Meme Ortiz’s yard significant?
It represents danger, adventure, and the risks kids take in their childhood.
"You want a friend, she says. Okay, I’ll be your friend. But only till next Tuesday."
Who is Cathy?
What happens when Esperanza and Nenny visit Gil’s Furniture Store?
They see a music box, but only Nenny understands its beauty.
How does Esperanza describe her relationship with Nenny in “Boys & Girls” and “Laughter”?
She says she and Nenny don’t play together like friends, but they understand each other in ways others don’t.
How does "Gil’s Furniture Bought and Sold" explore the idea of value?
The old man values things differently than Esperanza and Nenny; he won’t sell the music box because it means something personal to him.
How does laughter symbolize connection in "Laughter"?
Esperanza and Nenny’s similar laughter shows their deep, unspoken bond as sisters.
"Not the way you can tell it’s going to rain when the sky is purple, but a different way, a way like if you were a room full of books."
How does this describe Esperanza’s connection with Nenny?
How does the neighborhood react to Meme Ortiz and his family moving in?
His house was built by Cathy’s father, and it’s seen as part of the changes in the neighborhood.