How does Addie win a tree at school?
Plays the odds
Grandma says dad won't accept things he hasn't earned which means he has a lot of...
What is a vow?
A promise
What does dad bring home for the first time?
A Christmas tree.
What is dad afraid the town will think of him if they have a free tree?
He is poor
What is the true reason for not having a Christmas tree?
It reminds dad of Christmas with his wife.
What does Addie vow never to do again?
Talk about Christmas trees with her dad
What special item does dad give to Addie from the basement?
A star.
What is Addie's mom's name?
What is charity?
When you donate something to someone in need.
What does Addie wear during the Christmas pageant?
The heart locket
Why is the star so special?
Addie's mom made it.
How does Addie's mom die?
What is a gift?
When you buy something for someone to make them happy
Why does Addie give Gloria the tree as a gift and not charity?
Gifts make people happy and charity can make people feel embarrassed.
Name one thing Addie learns about her mom.
She sang, is an artist, looks like Addie, made things for Addie as a baby.
How does dad feel about his wife's death?
Guilty/ blames himself
What does Addie do with the Christmas tree?
Gifts it to the Cott Family
What does Addie see her dad do in the audience?
What changed in the Mills' house after that Christmas in 1946?
They always had a Christmas Tree after that.