How long was Millie in prison?
10 years
How many water bottles does Andy always leave?
What language does Enzo speak?
What colour clothes did Nina always wear?
What did Millie use to kill the football player that was raping her friend?
Andy always says 'I'll let you out ________ _________ ___________'
Just not yet
What word did Enzo use to first warn Millie? (In Italian and English)
Pericolo - Danger
What did Nina leave for Millie's defence in the attic?
Pepper spray
Why did Millie get fired from the bar?
Punching a coworker
Where did Andy's parents move to?
What name did Enzo have tattooed on his arm?
Why did Nina get locked in the attic for the first time?
Missed her hair appointment
What show was Millie watching when Andrew came downstairs for water that they ended up bonding over?
Family Feud
What kind of restaurant did Andy take Millie to?
How does Enzo help cover up for Millie and Andy when they got back from New York?
Taking the rubbish to the tip
Where did Cecilia and Nina move to?