The skeletal system jobs are to…(3 jobs)
Hold your body up, make blood, and protect internal organs
The muscular system is made up of..
The main job of the nervous system is to..(2 things)
Carry information throughout your body and control what your body does
One job of your circulatory system is to…(like the respiratory system)
Bring oxygen to cells and carry away carbon dioxide
The job of your immune system is to…
Protect and fight against disease and infection
The skeletal system is made up of (3 things)
Bones, cartilage, and ligaments
Voluntary muscles are muscles…
You control
3 main parts of your nervous system are your…
Brain, nerves, and spinal cord
It’s second job is to…
Carry blood throughout your body
Your body’s first defense from pathogens is your…
The job of the respiratory system is to….
Bring in oxygen and release carbon dioxide
You can’t control
It also handles information happening outside your body from your…
Sensory organs
Heart and blood vessels
3 things can help to wash away sickness or disease..
Tears, mucus, and saliva
The main parts of the respiratory system are the….(3 parts)
Lungs, trachea, and diaphragm
Help your skeleton move
The main purpose of the digestive system is to (2 things)
Absorb nutrients from food and get rid of waste
The job of the excretory system is to (2 things)
Filter the blood to get rid of waste and keep water and salt levels in balance
The immune system is made of (2 things)
White blood cells and antibodies
The main parts of the digestive system are…(7 things)
Stomach, esophagus, small intestines, large intestines, liver, gallbladder, pancreas
The main parts of the excretory system are the (2 things)
Kidneys and bladder