The hardest substance in your body and also is known to coat the outside of your teeth.
What is enamel?
This organ helps to create bile (helps to break down fats).
What is the liver?
The muscle mostly responsible for your breathing.
What is the diaphragm?
The top two chambers of the heart.
What are the atrium?
The four functions of blood.
What are transportation, protection, messenger, and thermostat?
This is the name of the pipe that food goes down from your mouth to your stomach.
What is the esophagus?
Bile is sent from the liver and stored in this organ.
What is the gallbladder?
This filters large particles out of the air that you breathe.
What is nose hair?
The bottom two chambers of the heart.
What are ventricles?
Blood cells are made here.
What is the bone marrow?
The length of the small intestine.
What is 20 ft?
The bladder is made up of this type of muscle.
What is smooth muscle?
The thin strips of tissue in your larynx that cause vibration.
What are the vocal cords?
This is what you are hearing when you listen to the heart.
What are the valves closing?
The four blood types (not including Rh factor).
What are A, B, AB, O?
The substance that protects your stomach from burning from stomach acid.
What is mucus?
The substance urea can be toxic to our bodies. It is released from our bodies in this form.
What is urine?
The large tube with cartilage rings that brings air to your bronchi and eventually lungs.
What is the trachea?
These are the blood vessels that carry oxygenated blood from the heart.
What are arteries?
Red blood cells carry this.
What is oxygen?
The two organs that filter the liquid in your body.
What are your kidneys?
The final organ of the digestive tract is this.
What is the large intestine?
The place in the lungs where oxygen is put into the blood and carbon dioxide is removed.
What are the alveoli?
These are the blood vessels that carry deoxygenated blood back to the heart.
What are veins?
These help clot your blood.
What are platelets?