What's another name for the upper leg bone?
This organ secretes insulin to help cells capture sugar.
what is the tube called that brings air from the throat down into the lungs?
windpipe, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles
What direction is the blood flowing in arteries--away from the heart or towards the heart?
away from the heart
Muscles work by A. shortening. B. lengthening
What purpose do the vertebrae and the hipbone serve?
support the body
Food is absorbed into the blood stream in this organ.
small intestine
what bones protect the lungs
rib cage
What are the tiny blood tubes called that connect arteries and veins and where aterials are delivered at eacch cell and wastes picked up?
What are the skeletal muscles attached to in the human body?
Name 2 of the 5 gounps of animals sthat are vertebrates (have backbones)
fish, mammal, reptile, amphibian, birds
Water is reabsorbed and waste in proessed for removal from the body in this organ.
large intestine
What are the air sacs called where oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged?
What blood vessels bring blood back to the heart for a fresh push?
What is the arm muscle in the upper arm called that bulges when you flex (bend) your arm?
how many bones are in an upper arm or upper leg bone?
T. F. The small intestine is longer than the large intestine.
Why do you breathe faster after exercising?
body needs to replenish energy that's been spent
What keeps the blood from flowing backward in the heart and veins?
one-way valves
What is the arm muscle in the upper arm called that bulges when you extend (straighten) your arm
Who has more bones, a baby or an adult?
T. F. Living in the large intestine are helpful bacteria that produce vitamins people need.
Why is it better to breathe through your nose rather through your mouth?
air is warmed, moistened, and filtered better
What color is blood that is rich in oxygen?
bright red
What is the name of the tube called that carries urine out of the body?