You have two and they help you to see
It is in your chest, it is a muscle and it pumps blood
The _____________ absorbs the nutrients from the food
small intestine
Where is Andalusia?
Andalusia is in the South of Spain?
What were prehistoric people's clothes made of?
Their clothes were made of fur and leather.
You have two and they help you to walk and jump
It is your inside your head and it controls the body
We use the _____________ to think
What continents is Andalusia the bridge between?
Andalusia is the bridge between Europe and Africa
How did prehistoric people cook their food?
They cooked their food with fire.
You have two and they help you to listen
They are in your chest, you have two and they help you to breathe
The _____________ eliminates the waste through the feces
large intestine
What animals can we see in DoƱana Park?
We can see the Iberian Lynx, the Spanish Imperial Eagle, migratory birds and wild boars
How did prehistoric people get their food?
They hunted animals, caught fish and collected fruits and vegetables.
You have one and it helps you to smell and breathe
It is in your trunk and it breaks down the food that you eat
The ___________ cleans our blood
What type of climate have we got in Andalusia?
We have got a Mediterranean climate. Winters are warm and Summers are hot and dry.
When did History start?
History started when people learnt to read and write.
You have one and it helps you to taste food and drink
They are in your trunk, you have to and they help you eliminate the waste through urine
We need the __________ to chew the food
Where does the River Guadalquivir start?
The River Guadalquivir starts in the Cazorla Mountain Range.
Where did Prehistoric people live in the Neolithic?
They lived in communities and villages.