According to Genesis, humans are made in the image of this.
What is God?
This Church Father wrote Confessions and stressed the unity of body and soul
Who is St. Augustine?
Catholic teaching says that body and soul together form a ___.
What is a single human person?
Original Sin comes from the disobedience of these two people
Who are Adam and Eve?
Human dignity is based on the soul’s relationship with this being.
Who is God?
The Church teaches that God infuses the soul at this moment.
What is conception?
The belief that the soul will reunite with the body at the end of time.
What is the Resurrection?
This saint said, "The whole man is a unity of soul and body."
Who is St. Augustine?
The event where Adam and Eve first sinned is known as this.
What is the Fall?
CCC 2270 states that life must be protected from this moment
What is conception?
According to Catholic teaching, death is the separation of these two parts of a person.
What are the body and soul?
According to Aquinas, the soul’s intellect allows humans to understand these kinds of concepts beyond time.
What are truth, justice, and mathematical principles?
CCC 365 states that the soul is so deeply united to the body that it is the ___ of the body.
What is the "form?"
The Catholic Church teaches that Original Sin is removed through this sacrament.
What is Baptism?
The Church opposes these two practices because they violate the dignity of human life.
What are abortion and euthanasia?
This scriptural passage states, “So God created mankind in His own image.”
What is Genesis 1:27?
The moment when the soul separates from the body.
What is Death?
This philosopher-theologian argued that harming the body also harms the soul.
Who is St. Thomas Aquinas?
Because of Original Sin, all humans are born with this spiritual condition.
What is a fallen nature or wounded realtionship?
This Pope wrote Evangelium Vitae, which defends the dignity of all life.
Who is Pope John Paul II?
According to CCC 1702, the soul gives humans these two key abilities.
What are intellect and free will?
Jesus warns, “Do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul” in this Gospel passage.
What is Matthew 10:28?
Jesus taught in Matthew 22:37 that humans must love God with all of these three things.
What are the heart, soul, and mind?
According to St. Thomas Aquinas, Original Sin is not just a personal act but a deprivation of these two gifts that humans were meant to possess.
What are Original Justice and Original Holiness?
According to Catholic bioethics, medical treatments should aim to do these two things without hastening death.
What are preserving life and alleviating suffering?