begin of the book
The last part of the book
who is Katniss sister and do she mean a lot to her?
Katniss sister is prim and she do mean a lot to her because she took her position in the game.
what does katniss and peeta decicde to do at the end of the book?
katniss and peeta want to show the gamer they are in love but after hearing thay katniss was lieing about that she love him.
how does haymitch feel when he saw katniss?
haymitch feel happy but than he is scared that they make katniss punchness becaseu she rebel in the game
who does katniss trade to get food for her famliy?
katniss trade with peeta fatherto get food for her father.
what was rue score and what is her skill in the hunger game?
Rue score is 8th and she can climb a tree very good.
who was the drunk man on the stage?and why is up there for?
Haymitch was the man who was drunk and have to be on the stage to show he was the last year victor of the game.
what district 12 job is?
they are cool miners.
what cato have on when he came to attack katniss and peeta?and why
cato had this army on and it cover the whole body but the head.also he had it on because he knows that katniss had a bow and arose.
what katniss use to hurt with and who showed her to use it?
katniss use bow and arose and her father showed her how to use it.
who was the careers and why?
the careers was a group that always be made in the hunger game, district 1,2 and 4 are the richer Districts, and they can afford training their kids, so they will be prepared in case they are picked at the reaping.
how do people became an tribute?
they became a tribute is that your name get pick from the reaping or if you volunteer for someone.
what peeta had on when katniss came to find him?
peeta had alittle bit of cloth on and he blind in with a rook to make noone see him
what cato do when he got on the branch?
cato was smarth and grab peeta that makes its hard for katniss shot and not hit peeta.
who is katniss favorite her mother of her father?and why?
its her father because teach her a lot of thing also that her mother is not help to her.
what group were from 11 district and what happen toward to the end of the book with him and Katniss?
Rue and thresh was from district 11, and toward to the end of the book was that thresh let Katniss go because he saw how katniss feel about Rue.
how many districts there are in the hunger game?and why?
There are 12 district, but there was 13 because the districts choose to rebel and the capitol destroy the 13 district to show they have the power.
how peeta feel about getting palayed by katniss?
peeta feel that he not good for katniss and that he just got use just to let her stay alive.
how do the gamer feel about katniss choice in the game?
the gamer feel that she rebel and she show that they dont have power of her.
how do katniss get food in the hunger game?
katniss use peeta to to get the food by make the sponor feel like they are in love.
who are the two that came from district one? and what do they do?
the district one was Marvel, glimmer and they make luxury.
what gale feel after see katniss leave?
he felt that its his job to take care of katniss family.
why Peeta and Katniss want to killed themselves?
peeta didn't want go back to district by himself and he cant live without her, and katniss feel the same way
why is the capitol made at Katniss?
the capitol is mad at Katniss because she rebel many time in the book.
why was katniss so sad when Rue death and what did she do to show her respect?
katniss was sad after Rue death because she safe her life and was the first alley she had in the arena.
why the gamer change the rule in the arena?
The gamer change the rule because there was cross love in the game and there was a lot of alley in the game.