The Capital

Who ends up falling victim to tracker jackers?

Glimmer. Everyone is able to flee from the nest, except for Glimmer, who ends up getting stung to death.


After Rue's death, why do the people of District 11 send Katniss a loaf of bread?

The people of District 11 were showing their gratitude to Katniss for giving Rue her kindness. This is unique in the Games' history; never before has a district sent a gift to a tribute that wasn't their own.


In Chapter 11. Who initially had an alliance with the careers?

Peeta. The main reason behind this was because Peeta and Katniss were presented as star-crossed lovers, which meant that he would be able to lead the careers to Katniss. Once Katniss died, there would be no use of having an alliance with Peeta.


Which member of District 12 was the winner in one of the previous Hunger Games?

Haymitch. Since Haymitch didn't really stand out from the other tributes. He used hid wit to survive.

What is the Capitol?

A technologically advanced metropolis where the nation's most wealthy and powerful citizens live.


Why can't Katniss cry?

It would indicate weakness to the other tributes and make her look vulnerable


What is Katniss's name based of?

Katniss's name comes from a plant named "Katniss", which are know to be an adaptable survivor, just like the character. 


What does Claudius Templesmith announce in Chapter 18? 

Claudius Templesmith announces a change to the rules: This year, two tributes can win, so long as they come from the same district.


Why does Katniss volunteer to be a tribute in the games?

To save her sister's life. Katniss intervenes and declares her desire to take her sister's place. 


What are Muttations?

Muttations are animals that the Capitol created. The muttations are huge dogs, hungry for blood, mixed with the DNA of the dead tributes.  


Why does killing the boy from District 1 have such a lasting impact on Katniss?

Katniss experiences her first intentional kill and recalls how Gale said it wouldn't be much different than killing an animal. Katniss decides that in practice it isn't much different, but afterward, the emotions she feels are very different.  


What do the Hunger Games represent?

The Hunger Games represent the control the Capital has on the lower tributes. 


In Chapter 20. The tributes are offered a "feast" at the Cornucopia, which contains stuff they need the most. Why does Katniss need the most?

Katniss needs a cure for Peeta's leg because he has blood poisoning.


What is Rue's District 11 known for and how did that help her with the tracker jackers?

Her District is know for agriculture and since they have to deal tracker jackers nest while farming, they figured out a way to draw out the venom.


What is the name of the ceremony where a boy and a girl are chosen to compete in the annual event known as "The Hunger Games"?

The Reaping. Due to a past rebellion against the Capitol, each of the twelve districts must offer a boy and girl between the ages of 12-18 to fight to the death, to show that the Capitol is still in control.


How does Foxface survive for so long in the Games?

She was able to think quickly allowed her to gain supplies to help her survive longer than most tributes in the games. Foxface skills in theft and that she was clever and quick to act is an important part of her survival.


What does mockingjay pin symbolize?

A reminder of the Capitol's failure, of the possibility of the Capitol's failure, and thus hints at the possibility of rebellion.


What does Katniss do with Rue in Chapter 18

Katniss sang Rue a song before she died. Katniss made a bed of flowers to put Rue on before she gets taken from the Arena. To showing the Capitol that she wasn't simply a piece in their Games.


Why is the boy from District 3 still alive?

District 3 is known for televisions, automobiles, and explosives. The boy from District 3 was proving his worth by reactivating the land mines and setting them as traps.


How do Peeta and Katniss outsmart the game makers? 

Peeta and Katniss use the berries to commit suicide. They both did not want to kill the other, so they decided not to give the Capitol a victor


Was Katniss and Peeta's love for each other genuine?

While Katniss doubts Peeta's love for her, thinking that he is only keeping up the "lover boy" act, he was genuine throughout the book and feels betrayed when he discovers that Katniss has not been as sincere as he has.


How does fire represent Katniss.

Katniss is known as "the girl who was on fire", not only because of her clothes and the fact her District mines coal. But, because of her fiery spirit


What do the three fingers mean in Hunger Games in Chapter 2?

It's a gesture of admiration, gratitude and saying goodbye to someone you love.


What is the name of the alliance that proves to be the most dangerous?

Career Tributes. The alliance is made of the four tributes from Districts 1 & 2. According to Haymitch, these kids train intensively at a special academy until they're 18, volunteer for the games, and "almost always win".


Why is the Capitol so important the Hunger Games?

Because the Capitol holds most of the country of Panem's wealth, the government there is able to control the people in all of the districts across Panem.
