Hunger Games
Minor Characters

Katniss sleeps here during the Games. 

What is in the trees? 


The Careers accept Peeta into their alliance for this reason.

What is they believe he can help them find and kill Katniss? They then plan on killing him afterwards. 


This "natural" disaster drives Katniss back towards the Career Tributes.

What is a fire? 


This minor character is sullen and hostile during his tribute interview.

Who is Thresh?


This is Rue's special skill that she most likely showed the Gamemakers during her private session.

What is she jumps from tree to tree without ever needing to touch the ground?


Katniss honors Rue's death by doing this.

What is decorates her body with wildflowers?


As Katniss is trying to escape the Career Tributes Peeta does this for her.

What is he saves her? "Peeta Mellark just saved my life." He tells her to get up and get out of there. He also uses his spear to nudge her into motion, "'Run!' he screams. 'Run!'" 


The rule change that occurs at the end of Part 2. 

What is that two tributes may win the Games if they are both from the same District? 


This minor character figures out how to get around the Career's landmines to get supplies from the Cornucopia. 

Who is Foxface? 


This happened to the boy from District 3 after Katniss blew up all the Careers supplies. 

What is Cato kills him by breaking his neck? 


The sponsor gift Katniss receives during the Games. 

*2 potential answers!

What is...

Medicine for burns 

A small loaf of bread from District 11


We learn Peeta is skilled with this type of weapon.

What is a knife? 

"And he's handy with that knife."


The name of the infamous announcer of the Hunger Games. 

*First and last!

Who is Claudius Templesmith? 


This minor character is the brutish boy from District 2. 

Who is Cato? 


Describe the side effects of a tracker jacker sting.

*At least 2!

What is...





One way Katniss uses the Capitol's muttations to her advantage.

*2 possible answers!

What is...

Dropping tracker jackers on the Career tributes to escape, killing two of them

Using Mockingjays as a way to communicate with Rue, if they hear a certain tune then they know the other is OK


At the launchpad at the start of the Games, Peeta does this which prevents Katniss from getting the bow and arrows. 

What is he shakes his head at her and distracts her long enough that she misses her opportunity? 


Katniss knows she must be getting close to water for this reason. 

What is Haymitch is withholding delivering water to her as a gift? 


This minor character was killed by tracker jackers.

*2 potential answers! 

Who is...


Female tribute from District 4 


Describe a "hollow day."

What is a day that no matter what and how much you eat you never feel full.


The reason Katniss decides to destroy the Career tributes food.

What is they have never had to get their own food before and have been fed well all their lives, so they do not know how to find it themselves? She is hoping that by doing this she will weaken them and increase her own chances of winning.


The meaning behind Peeta's statement of, "I want to die as myself."

What is he does not want the Games to change who he is? He doesn't want the Games to turn him into monster. Also, he wishes that there was a way he could show the Capitol that he is more than just a piece in their Games, although he is not sure how to do that exactly. 


Describe the Cornucopia (what it looks like, how supplies is organized around it) and what Katniss takes from the Cornucopia. 

*She takes 3 things, name 2!

What is a golden horn shaped like a cone? Supplies is organized with the most valuable items at the mouth of the Cornucopia and strewn around it is more supplies that gets less valuable the further you get from the Cornucopia. 

Katniss takes a sheet of plastic, a backpack and a knife. 


This minor character was Katniss' first real kill.

Who is the boy from District 1? 


This is how Katniss destroys the Careers food.

*Be specific, this is a 500 point question!

What is she used 3 arrows to open a hole in a bag of apples? The apples spilled out and tripped the landmines. The landmines set of a train reaction with them all detonating and destroying the food and supplies.
