Textual Evidence
Narrative Writing
This is how textual evidence appears on the page.
What is direct wording from the book, with the author's name and page number?
This means a word or phrase in a sentence/paragraph that hints at the meaning of a word.
What is a context clue?
This type of characterization is "Right There" in the text.
What is direct characterization?
This is the name we give to the sequence of events a story follows.
What is plot?
This is the simplest description of the parts of plot.
What is needs a beginning, middle, and ending?
This textual evidence shows why Katniss wants Rue to win The Hunger Games, if Katniss dies.
What is "since she tipped me off, it only seems fair to warn her. Besides, if I'm going to die today, it's Rue I want to win. Even if it means a little extra food for my family, the idea of Peeta being crowned victor is unbearable" (Collins 189)?
This academic vocabulary word means to place on top of something else.
What is apply?
This type of characterization requires thought because the trait will be implied, like an "Author and Me" type of question.
What is indirect characterization?
These are the 4 categories that your writing is graded on.
What are Content, Organization, Language/Vocabulary, and Conventions?
FIREBALLS! ALL PLAY: Everyone writes their answer on their board. You have 1 minute! This part of plot includes the characters and setting. Give an example from the book.
What is exposition?
This is the first time that Katniss realizes that she can "show the Capitol they don't own me. That I'm not just a piece in their Games" (Collins ___).
What is "I want to do something, right here, right now, to shame them, to make them accountable, [to show that] there is a part of every tribute they can't own. That Rue was more than a piece in their Games. And so am I. [...] I decorate her body in the flowers [...] they'll have to show it" (Collins 236).
FEAST: ALL PLAY! Everyone has 1 minute to write their answer on their board. This word of the week means to be reliable or morally upright.
What is integrity?
This is an example of direct characterization for Gale from page 8.
What is "Straight black hair, olive skin, we even have the same gray eyes" (Collins 8).
These are the chapters/events your narrative covered.
What are Chapters 10-12 OR Peeta's first day in the arena?
This is the turning point of narrative. Have we reached this yet?
What is the climax? Yes, on the chapter level. No, for the book.
This shows that Katniss has integrity (morally upright and reliable).
What is "Rue has decided to trust me wholeheartedly. I know this because as soon as the anthem finishes she snuggles up against me and falls asleep" (Collins 208). (Answers may vary)
This academic vocabulary term means to read over something closely.
What is analyze?
"I assess my options. How can I get water? Return to the lake. No good. I'd never make it. Hope for rain. There's not a cloud in the sky. Keep looking. Yes, this is my only chance. But then, another thought hits me, and the surge of anger that follows brings me to my senses. Haymitch! He could send me water!" (Collins 167) is an example of this implied character trait.
What is thoughtful or problem-solving?
These are the types of character traits we should have put in our narratives.
What are what Peeta looks like, what he acts like, his feelings for Katniss, his motivation for joining the Careers, etc.?
This is the conflict in The Hunger Games.
What is Katniss volunteered to take her sister's place in The Games and now must kill others in order to survive?
These show that Katniss's feelings for Peeta might be changing. (Needs TWO pieces of textual evidence)
What is "it's wearing us out, Haymitch's direction to be friendly" (Collins 98) and "I'm able to form only one thought: Peeta Mellark just saved my life" (Collins 194).
This academic vocabulary term means to use what you know in order to create something new.
What is synthesis?
"Sing. My throat is tight with tears, hoarse from smoke and fatigue. But if this is Prim's, I mean, Rue's last request, I have to at least try. The song that comes to me is a simple lullaby, one we sing fretful, hungry babies to sleep with" (Collins 234) is an example of this indirect character trait.
What is caring about Rue and mourning her death?
This is an example of a flashback from Part II, and these are the characteristics of a flashback.
What is past tense verbs and starting off with something like "one time"? Answers for an example will vary
This is how the plot is organized in The Hunger Games and why it is organized this way.
What is why each chapter ends with a cliffhanger, just like a TV show?