Training/The Games
The Games
The Games and After

Where does the protagonist live with her family?

a. District 12

b. The Seam

c. Both a&b

d. The woods

c. Both a&b


When Katniss protects her sister, how do the people react to Katniss's actions?

a. They use a hand gesture to honor her.

b. They throw stones at her.

c. They start a riot.

d. They yell out profanities.

a. They use a hand gesture to honor her.


What is an Avox?

a. Katniss's best friend

b. A gamemaker

c. A fellow tribute

d. A traitor of the Capitol

d. A traitor of the Capitol


In the first interviews before the Games, what does Peeta confess at the end of his interview to Ceasar?

a. He hates being in the Capitol

b. That he has a crush on Katniss

c. He is scared to die

d. He misses his mom and dad

b. That he has a crush on Katniss


After their plan to blow up the Career's food, where does Katniss find Rue?

a. by the stream where they had agreed to meet

b. caught in a net by another tribute

c. up in a tree

d. under a bush, barely breathing

b. caught in a net by another tribute


After North America was destroyed, what country was created?

a. Nusuria

b. Deneaze

c. Panem

d. Europa

c. Panem


Why is Katniss initially weary of Peeta's kindness?

a. She is afraid he is plotting with Effie.

b. She is fearful of accidentally cheating on Gale.

c. She is afraid he is plotting with Haymitch.

d. She knows that she can't get too close to her competition in the games.

d. She knows that she can't get too close to her competition in the games.


What does Katniss do during her private session with the gamemakers?

a. She shows them how she makes a campfire.

b. She shoots an arrow at the gamemaker's table.

c. She throws weights.

d. She shows them her knife skills.

b. She shoots an arrow at the gamemaker's table.


What token does Katniss take into the arena with her?

a. bows and arrows

b. a picture of Prim

c. medicine she hid in her pocket

d. The Mockingjay pin Madge gave her

d. The Mockingjay pin Madge gave her


Why does Katniss yell Peeta's name at the end of Part II?

a. She finds out he is alive

b. They changed the rules.

c. He is standing on her toe.

d. She finds him.

b. They changed the rules.


What is Nightlock?

a. toxic berries that cause immediate death

b. poisonous leaves that cause terrible sneezing and itching when touched

c. an electric field that freezes the tributes when necessary

d. poisonous flowers that cause death when smelled

a. toxic berries that cause immediate death


This person hate owing others and allows Katniss to live so they are "square" now.

a. Cato

b. Foxface

c. Clove

d. Thresh

d. Thresh


What is Peeta's request after the training scores are revealed?

a. He wants Katniss to leave him alone.

b. He wants Katniss to be his girlfriend.

c. He wants to be coached separately.

d. He wants to have a different stylist.

c. He wants to be coached separately.


How will Katniss and Rue use the mockingjays to their advantages?

a. to spread a song signaling they are both okay

b. to attack the Career Tributes

c. To send coded messages to Peeta

d. To spy on the Career Tibutes

a. to spread a song signaling they are both okay


Where was Peeta hiding?

a. in the rocks

b. in a hotel

c. in a tree

d. in the mud

d. in the mud


What surprised Katniss about Peeta's life in District 12?

a. He never does chores.

b. He was not rich; his family ate leftovers.

c. His mother turned out to be kind.

d. He has five brothers and three sisters.

b. He was not rich; his family ate leftovers.


Which career tribute does Katniss see die from the tracker jackers?

a. Peeta

b. Glimmer

c. Cato

d. Fox Face

b. Glimmer


The capitol created Jabberjays for a purpose-what was their purpose?

a. To sing happy tunes to workers in District 11's orchards.

b. To carry messages to mercenaries during the Rebellion.

c. To attack enemy fighters.

d. To eavesdrop on enemies during the Rebellion.

d. To eavesdrop on enemies during the Rebellion.


How does Katniss destroy the Careers' supplies?

a. she shoots arrows at the land mines

b. she uses Rue's slingshot to send burning coals to burn it all

c. she sends a flaming arrow at the stove's gas tank

d. she shoots arrows to release apples on the landmines

d. she shoots arrows to release apples on the landmines


Who is Peeta traveling with immediately after the first battle at the Cornucopia?

a. Rue

b. The Career Tributes

c. He is all alone

d. Katniss

b. The Career Tributes


The Hunger Games is an example of what kind of society?

a. Utopian

b. Democratic

c. Dictatorial

d. Dystopian

d. Dystopian


What is District 11, where Rue is from, known for?

a. none of the above

b. agriculture

c. coal

d. fish

b. agriculture


After Jabberjays, Mockingjars appeared. What are Mockingjays?

a. The offspring of mockingbirds and jabberjays

b. Another mutation created by the Capitol

c. A dangerous and vicious bird

d. A bird that is capable of spying on enemies

a. The offspring of mockingbirds and jabberjays


Before destroying the Career's camp, what is Katniss able to take?

a. Nothing

b. A knife

c. Apples

d. Medicine

a. Nothing


What are chasing after the final three tributes?

a. tracker jackers

b. mockingjays

c. muttations

d. vipers

c. muttations


How do they suppose Haymitch won the games?

a. He cheated

b. He killed everyone quickly

c. He outsmarted the other tributes

d. By using his good looks and charm

c. He outsmarted the other tributes


What about the muttations does Katniss notice?

a. They are made of metal.

b. They are the dead tributes.

c. They cannot be killed.

d. Their eyes are blood red.

b. They are the dead tributes.


Why did the gamemakers change the rules when only Katniss and Peeta were left?

a. they were mad at Katniss

b. to show their power and control

c. they didn't believe Katniss and Peeta were in love

d. for the audience

b. to show their power and control


How does Cato truly die?

a. He bleeds out from the mutt attack.

b. Peeta shoves him off the Cornucopia.

c. Katniss stabs him.

d. Katniss shoots him with an arrow.

d. Katniss shoots him with an arrow.


What does Haymitch tell Katniss before the winners' interview with Peeta?

a. She can tell the truth now.

b. She is still in trouble and needs to continue to act in love.

c. She did great in the games.

d. She should remember to smile.

b. She is still in trouble and needs to continue to act in love.
