Chapters 10 and 11
Chapters 12, 13, 14
Chapters 15 and 16
Chapters 17 and 18

The District 2 male tribute; proficient with a sword; seems to be the leader of the Career alliance.  

Who is Cato?


After Peeta announces his love for Katniss on the Caesar Flickerman show, she confronts him in the hallway outside of the elevators and does THIS.

What is pushes him into a vase?


Katniss displays incredible survival skills, but struggles to find this important item.  She even becomes furious with Haymitch when he does not send it as a sponsorship.

What is water?


Rue reveals that Katniss' sunglasses are actually this.

What are night vision glasses?

The explosion injures Katniss'...

What is left ear?


He is the announcer of the Games - the countdown, the announcement of the new change in the games, etc.

Who is Claudius Templesmith?


Haymitch states that his plan with Peeta did not make her look weak.  Instead it made her look...

What is desirable?


The Gamemakers show that they can interfere with the games in many ways.  In Chapter 13, they cause Katniss a major injury to her leg by creating this.

What is a wall of fire/ ball of fire?


Katniss and Rue speak about Peeta during THIS in order to be discrete.

What is the anthem?

Katniss considers forming an alliance with this character, but decides against it quickly.

Who is Foxface?


This character comes from the same district as Rue and received a score of 10 in his training.

Who is Thresh?


At the start of the Games, Katniss is able to get many items before running into the woods.  List four.

What is (any four):  A backpack, a piece of plastic, a knife, matches, iodine, a sleeping bag, sunglasses, beef sticks, crackers, and a half-gallon water bottle? 


Katniss' "priceless" sponsorship from Haymitch.

What is burn medicine?


Name one thing that Katniss brings to the alliance with Rue.  Name one thing Rue brings to the alliance with Katniss.

What is...

Rue brings knowledge of plants, knowledge of herbal medicine, knowledge of the "sunglasses", ability to spy, knowledge of mockingjays and tracker jackers.

Katniss brings her hunting, survival skills and bow and arrow skills, sleeping bag, and night vision glasses.


Rue is killed by a spear belonging to ....

Who is the male tribute from District 1?


This character was the female tribute from District 1.  Katniss was able to steal her arrows after the tribute was attacked by tracker jackers.

Who is Glimmer?


At the end of the first day, Katniss hears this many cannons, signifying the fallen tributes from the Cornucopia/ opening moments of the Games.

What is 11?


Rue points to this, high in a tree, as a means of escaping the sleeping Career alliance on the ground.

What are tracker jackers?


Rue tells Katniss that the Careers do not need to hunt for food or supplies because they have...

What is a pyramid of supplies by the lake?

Katniss receives a sponsorship from District 11.  This is highly unusual.  Name ONE of the TWO reasons as to why.

What is...

The District 11 citizens are poor and this is a very expensive gift.

Districts NEVER sponsor tributes from another district.


This person was allowed to join the career alliance because of his knowledge of the explosive mines.

Who is the male tribute from District 3?

These six people make up the alliance at the start of the Games.

Who are the  two careers from District 1, the two careers from District 2, the female career from District 4, and Peeta?


One of the three ways Katniss makes the Career pack look inadequate/weak is...

(when they try to attack her in the tree.)

What is makes a joke at their expense, catches Glimmer's arrow, watches Cato fall when trying to get her in the tree?


Rue uses the mockingjays in her district to notify the other citizens that..

What is the work day is done?


Claudius Templesmith announces this exciting new change, that will greatly impact the remainder of the Games.

What is that two tributes can win if they are from the same district?
