Ocean water can't be used by humans and terrestrial organisms because of its high what content?
Only 3% of the water on our planet is freshwater. True or false?
In developing countries, diseases like cholera, malaria, and dysentery kill a lot of people because they lack access to what?
Clean/Potable Water
In this step of the water treatment process, large particles are removed from the water through filtration.
Primary sewage treatment
On a daily basis, what do humans typically use fresh water for the most?
Removing waste (cleaning dishes, bathing, laundry)
Ocean currents are created by these winds that always move in the same direction across the globe?
Prevaling winds
Of the freshwater on our planet, only 1/4 of it is usable by humans. Where is the majority of the freshwater trapped?
Ice and/or Glaciers
This type of pollution has a source that can be located and identified from coming from one place. (i.e. - a factory's discharge pipe that empties into a river)
Point source
Drinking, cooking, and/or cleaning with untreated water can cause what to develop in populations of people and animals?
The process humans use to divert water to fields in order to grow crops.
These currents circulate ocean water when hot water rises and cold water sinks.
Convection currents
How many gallons of water does the average American household use in a day?
100 gallons
Pollution that can't be linked to one main source like urban and agricultural land runoff is known as what?
Nonpoint source
In this step of the water treatment process, microorganisms are added to the water to breakdown organic material and highly-oxygenated water is mixed in to increase oxygen levels.
secondary sewage treatment
In industrial settings, there is a lot of water being used. What is the main purpose of water in those settings?
Though we can't drink ocean water, what do we primarily use oceans for?
Travel and/or transportation of goods.
What is the term for water that is drinkable and safe for cooking and cleaning?
Potable Water
When organic matter decays in water, what is depleted from the water, making it unsafe to use.
The mixture of organisms and other particulate matter that settle out during the water treatment process. Usable water can be extracted from this by continuously bubbling air through it.
Sewage sludge
What type of energy can be produced using running water to move turbines built into dams?
Hydroelectric energy
Ocean currents help regulate what around the world?
Global temperatures
Layers of substrate that are saturated (filled) with water that can be drawn up with wells or feed into lakes.
Eutrophication leads to explosions in algae populations, which can be harmful to organisms living in that water. This occurs when there is too much what in that environment? (Hint: this happens near farm lands that use a lot of fertilizer in their fields)
Nutrients (nitrogen)
During this step in the water treatment process, chemicals are added to the water to remove inorganic nutrients from the water like phosphorus and nitrogen.
Tertiary sweage treatment
Globally, what do humans use water for the most?
Domestic, industrial, or agricultural use?
Agricultural use