What is Minty's real name?
Marylin Mint
What does 'Le Parfait Café' mean in english? (From French)
The Perfect Cafe or The Parfait Cafe (Parfait means both)
Who is Dolley's hero?
Does Marmalade become a maid?
Maxine is who's older sister?
Who taught Minty how to bake? Double points if you can name them
Minty's grandma, Marianne Mint
Le Parfait Café is set in what Division of Strobecity?
Who does Vanilla rescue from being hit by a car?
Why does Dolley wear a big red bow?
To imitate Celine
Who is Maxine's sworn enemy?
Name each ice-cream flavour the ICG are based of and on what member?
Including Macey and Claris
Ms. Boysenberry- Boysenberry
Minty- Mint
Vanilla- Neapolitan
Dolley- Strawberry
Gumdrop- Goody Gumdrop
Claris- Rocky Road
Marmalade/Macey- Orange
What restaurant is right across from Le Parfait Café?
The Dandy Diner
Ms. Blackberry trespassed into and stole from what two places?
Frosterella's and The Shimmers Department
What disability does Claris have?
Chronic Fatigue
Who are Ditzy's parents? Double points if you can name the bands they were from
Eddie and Layla
From Liger Blood, Layla and the Skin-Walking Spiders
What is the name of the old café the ICG used to work at? Double points if you can name what is becomes after they leave it
Coffee Crazy
Turns into Whitney's Wonders
Ms. Boysenberry and the Ice-Cream Girls are all based of mental disabilities, which members are based of what disabilities?
(Ms. Boysenberry, Minty, Dolley, Vanilla, Gumdrop)
Hint: Dolley has two
Ms. Boysenberry- Dementia
Minty- Anxiety
Dolley- ADHD and Depression
Vanilla- OCD
Gumdrop- Autism
Name the 5 things 'Rahoul' was talented at
You will still get the points if can name at least 3 of them
Painting, baking, poetry, interior design, music
What rockstars are Ditzy's parents based of?
Rob Zombie and Joan Jett
Who did Charlotte consult to gain custody of Le Parfait Café?
Divisioner Paris Polaris
Minty and her family moved into Strobecity from what city?
The Fifth City
Celine may be the 'bad guy', but who is the real mastermind behind it all?
Which of these is Ms. Boysenberry's real, true name?
Angeline or Angelina?
Double points if you can name why
She writes her own name wrong because of her dementia
Who are the members of The Lisa'z and what instruments/roles does each member play?
Melissa (Vocals), Ditzy (Guitar), Maxine (Bass), Baby (Keyboard), Violet (Drums)