I weigh the battles on my golden scales, I threaten my wife, and I and the King of Gods and Men. Who am I?
Who is Zeus
I am the red-haired captain, and my brother followed me to Troy when my wife was taken from me. Who am I?
Who is Menelaus
What starts the Trojan War?
What is Helen is taken/runs away from Menelaus to Paris due to the Golden Apple Incident.
"Maddening one ... you and your eternal suspicions- / I can never escape you. ... Now go sit down. Be quiet now. Obey my orders, / for fear the gods, however many Olympus holds, / are powerless to protect you when I come / to throttle you with my irresistible hands" (Iliad 1.674-5, 680-3). Who said this and why?
Who is Zeus because Hera was in his business about Thetis.
What does Iliad mean?
What is Troy
We are the gods that influence both sides of the war the most. One of us plagues the Achaeans at the beginning of the Iliad, and the other has firey, grey eyes. Who are we?
Who is Apollo and Athena
I am an Achaean solider, my pride is my spear, and I use my spear to stab Ares and Aphrodite as Athena guides my eyes. Also, Glaucus is now my best friend thanks to our grandfathers. Who am I?
Who is Diomedes
Why does Achilles leave the Achean army?
What is King Agamemnon took away his prize/girl, Briseis
"Get to your work! My vicious sons - my humiliations! / If only you'd all been killed at the fast ships / instead of my dear _____... / But I - dear god,y my life so cursed by fate! - / I fathered hero sons in the wide realm of Troy / and now, now not a single one is left, I tell you" Who said this and why?
Who is Priam at his sons after the death of Hector
How many kids does King Priam have?
What is 50
I am a river between Troy and the Achean camp. I fought the great Achilles and almost won until other gods came to save him. Who am I?
Who is Xanthus/Scamander
My husband is the great warrior of Troy, and his son, Astyanax, will be just as great, if not greater, than he. I wish my husband would come home to me. Who am I?
Who is Andromache
What motivates Achilles to fight again?
What is the death of Patroclus?
"Ah my __1__, if you and I could escape this frey / and live forever, never a trace of age, __2__, / I would never fight on the front lines again / or command you to the fields where men win __3__. / But now, as it is, the __4__ of __5__ await us, Thousands poised to strike, and not a man alive / can flee them or escape - so in we go for __6__! / Give our enemy glory or win it for ourselves!" Fill in the 6 missing words
1: Friend
2: Immortal
3: Fame
4: fates
5: death
6: attack
When is Hades mentioned in the Iliad?
What is twice: 1) He is scared because of an earthquake that might open up the underworld
Agamemnon blames Zeus, fate, and me for his actions in book 19 instead of taking responsibility. I blind men from the truth and can destroy lives easily. Who am I?
Who is Ruin
I am Odysseus. What is my epithet?
What is "The Great Tactician"
Who goes to see Achilles to convince him to come back to war the first time, and what do they offer?
Who are Ajax, Odysseus, and Phoenix. They offer a ton of wealth and Briseus.
"But you are intractable, Achilles! / Pray god such anger never seizes me, such rage you nurse. / Cursed in your own courage! What good will a man, / even one in the next generation, get from you / unless you defend the Argives from disaster? / You heart of iron! He was not your father, / the horseman Peleus - Thetis was not your mother." What is the citation for this quote?
What is Iliad 16.32-8
The Iliad happens over how many days?
What is ~52. 100 less points per 10 years away.
Name 5 of the many Nymphs that assist Thetis.
See book 18
Name 3 Trojan Captains and 3 Achaean Captains
Who are Hector, Paris, Glaucus, Agenor, Aeneas, Sarpedon
Diomedes, Agamemnon, Menelaus, Odysseus, Ajax, Nestor, Achilles, Patroclus, Automedon
Describe a major theme that is present throughout the plot
See themes packet + good reasoning
As a group, act out a scene from the book. It must include a minimum of 3 characters and a narrator. You have 5 minute to prep and you may read lines from the text.
See Results
How many epic similes are in the Iliad?
What is ~288