Iliad/Trojan War
Iliad/Trojan War
Iliad/Trojan War
Iliad/Trojan War
Iliad/Trojan War

Archaeological remains provide evidence that there was a Trojan War over

What is  free trading and taxes?


The three goddesses who want the apple

Who are Aphrodite, Athena, and Hera?


What Aphrodite did not tell Paris was that the beautiful woman, Helen of Sparta, was already married to

Who is King Menelaus?


Agamemnon believed he needed Achilles to win the war with Troy.  Achilles is discovered when he is seen admiring?            from a trader on the island where he was hiding

What are weapons?


Odysseus comes up with the idea of building a giant?   because they were?         to the Trojans. The Greeks decided to hide       inside the horse.  

What is a wooden horse/ sacred/soldiers?


Scholars believe the Trojan War began over control of the trade route between

What is the Aegean Sea and the Black Sea?


To settle the dispute, Zeus decides to send the goddesses to?     Prince of?        to let him choose who deserves the apple

Who is Paris the Prince of Troy?  


On a diplomatic mission to?         Paris?         Helen and took her back to?    

What is Sparta/abducted and Troy?


 A legendary Greek King of Ithaca named?           (also known in Latin as Ulysses) is called by King Agamemnon to join the war on the? 

 Who is Odysseus?    Who are the Trojans?        


The Trojans, thinking they had won the war, brought the wooden horse into the?    and partied.

What is the city?


In the myth, Peleus married Thetis. Zeus and Poseidon would not marry the goddess Thetis because it was prophesized that Thetis would have a son.

What is a son greater than his father?


The goddesses each try to bribe Paris.  ? offers power and domination over the continent of Asia

Who is Hera?


The King of Sparta,?        united with his brother?       to go and bring Helen back to? Sparta.  The brother called on other city-states to join him in the battle, and it is said that 1000 ships sailed to?

Who is Menelaus and Agamemnon, and what is Troy?


The Prince?  and the Prince?  are heroes and great warriors for? 

Who are Paris and Hector and what is Troy?


At night, the Greek ships?          while the men in the horse got out and opened the gates of Troy.  The Greeks?      everyone they could and?      the city to the ground.

What is came back and burned? 


Zeus decides to throw a wedding party for Peleus and Thetis, and all the gods of Olympus are invited except?

Eris’ Goddess of Discord


One goddess offers Paris wisdom

Who is  Athena?


Thetis was concerned about Achilles' mortality.  She dunked him into the?                the water never touched his?        The phrase “Achilles heel”  describes a person’s? 

River Styx/heel - fatal weakness.


The gods on the Trojan side are?                Ares?               Artemis, and?       is neutral

Who is Aphrodite, Apollo  and Zeus?


Agamemnon and Achilles argue.  Achilles refuses to?    Achilles’ cousin, Patroclus, wears Achilles’?     The Trojan Leader?          kills Patroclus because he thinks he is?    Hector keeps Achilles’ armor as a trophy.

What is Fight/armor/Hector/ Achilles?


The goddess Eris throws an?              with the words?             into the banquet hall.

What is the Golden Apple ”For the Fairest"?


The goddess? offers to give Paris the most beautiful woman in the world.

WHo is Aphrodite?


A seer predicted that Achilles would?       heroically in battle against the?        Thetis disguised him as a?      and sent him to live on the Aegean?    of Skyros.

Die/ Trojans/girl/ Island 


Achilles and King Odysseus were on the side of the Greeks. Who are the three mythical gods supporting the Greeks?

Who are Hera, Athena and Poseidon?


The moral and ethical lessons in the Iliad are?             an exaggerated pride or self-confidence,   intentional use of?  to humiliate or degrade. Lack of morals and being?  

What is Hubris, violence  and arrogant
