Chapter 12-14
Chapter 15-17
Chapter 18-19
Chapter 20-22

The town Henrietta's body was sent to 



Who did Ethel Abuse the most of out Henrietta's Children?

Lawrence, Sonny, Joe, or Deborah 



Which of Henrietta's children went to jail for killing Ivy?

a) Deborah

b) Sonny

c) Joe

d) Lawrence



What kind of disease did Day have on his feet?



What did Mary see during the autopsy that reminded her that Henrietta was a person, not just a scientific subject?

Red toenail polish 


How old was Lawrence when he was drafted for the Korean War?

16 (He got a voter's registration card saying he was 18 so that he could go to the pool halls)


What religion did Joe convert to?



Which scientist proposed that other HeLa cells were infecting other cells that were used in cell culture? 

a) George Gey

b) Robert Stevenson

c) Stanley Gartler

Stanley Gartler found that in 18 of the commonly used cells for cell culture had a genetic marker that is almost only exclusively found in African Americans - and even within that group that genetic marker was rare. HeLa cells could float in the air on dust particles and infect other cells.


Where were HeLa cells first massed produced? 

Tuskegee Institute


Chester Southam performed studies on cancer patients by injecting HeLa cells into their arms. He only told them that he was testing their immune system. His study is one of the many unethical studies during the time. What made it unethical? What was the result of his study?

His participants did not give full informed consent. The HeLa cells formed tumors on the arms of cancer patients. Some spread to other parts of their bodies and made their conditions worse. 


Who took better care of the Lacks children than Ethel? She was also Lawrence's wife.

Bobette "Barbara" Lacks


After Henrietta's family found out what really happened to her, what were their attitudes whenever they needed surgery or any medical procedure from the hospital?

They would refuse to have the operation because they were afraid of the same thing happening to them or worse. 


Two pieces of misinformation in Collier's story about HeLA cells

1) Said that HeLa cells were from a woman named Helen L.

2) Gey had grown "Helen L.'s" cells from a sample take after her death, not before. 


True or False: Everyone Skloot talked to swore race relations were never bad in Clover. 



Why was Joe always in trouble with the law or some form of authority? 

He was abused when he was younger by Ethel and became angrier as the years passed by. 


Give one of the names that were believed to be the original name behind HeLa.

Helen Larson, Helen Lane, Heather Langtree, Helga Larsen


Who developed the polio vaccine?

Dr. Jonas Salk 


What reasons did Chester Southam and other scientists give when they were asked why they didn't tell their subjects of the nature of the study? (Give at least two)

They don't want to cause "unnecessary fear" with the patients. Other scientists were doing it. The Nuremberg code did not apply in the U.S. because they were afraid that it would hinder the progress of science. (There's more answers to this question)


Name two things scientists were able to do with HeLa cells.

Grow them in space. Fuse them with other species' cells. Attempted to transplant skin cells. Help with discovering the vaccine for polio. (there's more)


what confirmed Stanley Gartler's findings?

The Russians claimed to have found a cancer virus on Russian cancer patients. When they sent the cancer cells to the U.S., they found that the cancer cells were from Henrietta Lacks.
