Data collection
Strengths and Weaknesses

Explain why the study was done (i.e., the problem, the concern or issue in detail)? What is the research question that the investigator is trying to answer?

The purpose of this analysis is to assess the current state of religion and spirituality in hospital-based nursing staff and to examine its associations with mental well-being and burnout. This whole-person assessment of nurses may inform future well-being strategies focused on faith-based interventions.


What are the characteristics (size, demographics) of the sample? Inclusion and exclusion criteria?

The size of the sample was 194 nurses. Inclusion criteria consisted of the requirement to be a hospital -based nurse at one of the six identified hospitals—including nurses at all levels of practice and job role—the ability to access the survey from a computer or mobile device, and ability to speak and understand English. Exclusion criteria included inability or willingness to complete the survey, and inability to speak or understand English.


Evaluate the strength of the references at the end of the article. Describe any concerns regarding the age or quality of the references.

Most of the resources are over 5 years old, dating as old as 1981.There are only a couple within 5 years.


What were the main findings of the study?

Given the prevalence of high levels of spirituality and lower burnout, personal spirituality may contribute to mental well-being such that it serves as a buffer against burnout.


What are the central concepts and variables (if applicable)? Independent variable? Dependent variable? If the study does not have variables what are the phenomena of interest?

The independent variables are religious and spiritual beliefs. The dependent variable is the mental well-being of nurses.


What is the research design? Is it appropriate to answer the research question? Why or why not?

The research design was a cross-sectional survery. It was qualitative which is appropriate for this research question as it discusses beliefs and mental health.


Major limitations of the study?

  • The participants’ demographics is a significant limitation as participants were self-selected from a relatively homogenous population from a group of community hospitals within the same faith-based healthcare organization.

  • study design, did not differentiate job roles in analysis.
  •  Criticism of the WHOQOL-SRPB by those who would argue that it is more a measure of psychological well-being than of spirituality.


Implications for practice?

Possible interventions include group orientation sessions co-facilitated by chaplains and licensed mental health professionals that discuss reconnecting to purpose and meaning in work, resilience, self-compassion, and stress recovery.


How was the sample recruited? Ethical issues?

Convenience sampling. The survey was sent through email to 2267 nurses from any of the 6 faith-based hospitals in Florida. They received an extra $50 to their paycheck for participating. 


What were the strategies used for data collection? Setting? Experiment? Questionnaire/focus group/interview/chart review etc.

Data was collected through a confidential, web-based, survey of nurses in six faith-based community hospitals all apart of a non-profit health system headquartered in Florida.
