Promotes positive relationships and attachment with your child.
What is child-directed play?
"You're doing such a great job sharing with your friends!"
What is Social Coaching?
"If you behave well at the store, then we can go get ice cream after."
What is an "If/Then" statement?
A sticker or tally chart for positive behaviors.
What is an Incentive chart?
Stops the negative escalation cycle and provides both the parents and the child with space to self-regulate and calm down.
What is time out?
Praise and encourage, be attentive, laugh, have fun, avoid competing, engage.
What are things a parent should do while playing with their children?
"You are working so hard on that puzzle and thinking about where that piece will go."
What is Persistence Coaching?
"When you finish your homework, then we will play outside."
What is "When/Then" statement?
No hitting, No running in the street, Brush your teeth, Get dressed.
What is establishing rules and routines?
A behavior that may result in an immediate time out.
What is an aggressive or destructive behavior?
Time, work, being uncomfortable with imaginary play, too tired, other family duties, bored with the same toys.
What are barriers that stop parents from playing with their children?
"You are staying so calm even though you are frustrated with putting the puzzle together."
What is Emotional Coaching?
Avoid eye contact, discussion. Self-regulate and be consistent.
What is ignoring?
"Before bed we will brush our teeth, change into our pajama's and read a book together."
What is establishing a bed time routine?
Length of time a child should be calm before leaving time out.
What is two minutes?
The bottom two tiers include empathy, attention, play, problem solving, listening, talking, praise, and rewards.
What is the parenting pyramid?
Describing the children's actions and the things they are playing with such as colors, shapes and positions of objects.
What is Descriptive Commenting?
Respect Rule, Prompting, Give Choices, Follow Routine, Ignore, Teaching Positive Opposite Behavior.
What are tools for reducing misbehaviors?
Tangible and Non-tangible.
What are types of rewards?
Deep breathing, listening to music, counting.
What are examples of ways to calm down or self regulate?