Inventions and Discoveries
Societal Reform
This n'at

The___ allowed thread to be produced faster than weavers could. 

Spinning Jenny


Industrial Capitalism caused...

1. the rise of a new upper middle class

2. increased disparities between the very wealthy and the working class

3. the development of new social and political systems to give workers more rights. 


Unions developed to

1. insist that working conditions be improved in the workplace

2. require employers to pay higher wages

3. allow employees a way to organize and voice their viewpoints 


What does this excerpt show about the beliefs of   some in Victorian Britain and was it an accurate assessment at the time. 

"Daily experience shows that it is energetic individualism which produces the most powerful effects upon the life and action of others, and really constitutes the best practical education. Schools academies, and colleges, give but the merest beginnings of culture in compassion with it." 

1. it is your direct, hard work and abilities that make you successful. 

2. Schools should teach hardwork and not focus on teaching compassion and empathy

It was an accurate assessment of the time. 


What factors led to the rise of the Industrial Revolution in Great Britain? 

1. Agricultural Devotion decreased the need for labor

2. Great Britain's population grew with the increased food supply. 

3. A supply of markets provided a ready outlet for manufactured goods. 


After the invention of the ___ it was more efficient to bring workers into factories to make textiles. 

Water Powered Loom 


What new class division developed during the Industrial Revoltuion 

white collar workers (middle class)


What were two ways the British labor laws such as the Mines Act and the Factory Act changed working conditions for children? 

1. Setting age requirements

2. Limited working hours


Why is this excerpt indicative of the literary style of this period. 

"There would be meat stored in great piles in rooms, and the water from leaky roofs would drip over it, and thousands of rats would race about on it... A man could run his hand over these pieces of meat and sweep off handfuls of the dried dung of rats." 

It demonstrated realism and the journalist style of "muckrakers" who aimed to show the living and working conditions as they were. 


At the end of the 19th Century, why did Theodor Herzl and others believe that Jewish people needed to have a homeland? 

1. Contemporary beliefs such as Social Darwinism were used to spread racist and anti-Semitic views. 

2. Many Russian Jews experienced extreme discrimination and organized attacks. 


Factories could be located away from rivers once the ____ was invented to power machines. 

Steam Engine 


Define Capitalism 

An economic system in which the means of production are owned by the individual. There is little government interference. It leads to a division in social classes. 


The women's rights movements of the late 1800's - 1900's fought to...

1. allow women the ability to own property

2. make sure women were paid equally on the job

3. provide equal education opportunities for women


According to this excerpt, what was an effect of the Industrial Revolution that is often not considered?

"The biggest jolt the industrial revolution administer to the Western family was the progressive removal of work from the home. Families new no longer the center of production. " 

The Industrial Revolution removed the power of production from being home based and moved it to a factory system that took people outside of the home for large chunks of the day. 


Common push factors for immigrants between 1880-1920 included 

1. war

2. religious persecution

3. poverty 


The mass production of goods was made possible by the efficient of the___

assembly line


How did the invention of steel and electricity alter manufacturing in the west? 

Steel allowed for products to be made lighter and stronger which furthered the development of transportation and manufacturing. Electricity powered factories more efficiently and allowed them to be open 24 hours a day with electric lights. 


What conclusions can be drawn about the beliefs of Emmeline Pankhurst based on this assessment.

"We found that all the fine phrases about freedom and liberty were entirely for male consumption, and that they did not in any way apply to women. When it was said taxation without representation is tyranny, when it was, 'Taxation of men without representation is tyranny,' everybody quite calmly accepted the fact that women had to pay taxes and even were sent to prison if they failed to pay them." 

That women were expected to follow the law without question yet could not have a voice in the law which was the basis of the argument of the American Revolution. 


What does this excerpt show about life during the Industrial Revolution?

"The place smelled of the oil of machines and the new leather - a combination which added to the stale odors od the building, was not pleasant even in cold weather...Not the slightest provision had been made for the comfort of the employees, the ides being that something was gained by giving them as little and making the work as hard and unremunerative as possible..." 

Life was hard. Workers worked in terrible conditions and factory owners did little to alleviate the discomfort. They did so because they felt that to give in to workers would make them less productive. 


What was so significant about the discovery Pasteur made as describe in the following excerpt. 

"Pasteur noticed that a crystal name tartaric acid directed polarized beams of light to the right...Its alter ego, eventually names paratartaric acid, likewise has been discovered in wine vats and boasted an identical atomic weight and molecular composition. Mysteriously, it was unable to rotate light at all." 

He was able to show that microscopic organisms are specific to certain actions. 


______ discovered the element of radium. 

Marie Curie


Define Communism 

An economic system in which the means of production are owned by the workers. There are no social classes. It focuses on equality 


How did increased urbanization and scientific discoveries lead to the development of public health initiatives during the Industrial Revolution? 

As more people moved into crowded, dirty, urban areas disease spread more rapidly. Scientific discoveries like Germ Theory, better sanitation,  and better medical treatment allowed public health doctors to better contain the spread of disease. 


What does the excerpt reveal about the connection between industrialization and the ride of Communism?

"Freeman and slaves, patricians and plebeians, lord and serf, guild master and journeyman, in a word oppressor and oppressed, stood in constant opposition to one another, carried on an interrupted, now hidden, now open fight...Our epoch, the epoch of the bourgeoisie, possess however, this distinct feature, it has simplified class antagonisms. Society as a whole is more and more splitting up into two great simplified, hostile camps, into two great classes directly facing each other - Bourgeoisie and Proletariat. 

Industrialism has widened a class divide that has always existed. The oppressors are now more oppressive to the social classes under them. 


How were extreme nationalism and Social Darwinism used to justify racism and anti-Semitism? 

Nationaiism attempted to make independent states around different nations/groups of people. It excluded different races and religious as not being a part of the group or worse, that different groups stood in the way of the success of the nation. Social Darwinism declared that some races, ethnicities, and religious groups had evolved to be superior to other groups. 
