This industry would be the backbone of industrialization, providing colonies and countries outside of Europe, a cheap source of unpaid labor.
This is an organization of workers that fights for higher pay and better working conditions.
What is a union?
This entrepreneur, along with four business partners, would establish factories in Massachusetts after "smuggling" factory plans from England. Many young girls would live in these factory towns later named after this man.
Francis Cabot Lowell.
These are the three factors of production?
What are Land, labor, and capital.
The growth of cities through an increase of population, production, and infrastructure.
This event, caused by the stink of the River Thames and the filthy sewers, resulted in such a foul scent that people collapsed unconscious and Parliament came to a halt.
The Great Stink of 1858
A social class made up of skilled workers, professionals, business people, and wealthy farmers.
Middle Class
This terms refers to the economic policy of letting owners of industry and business set working conditions without government interference.
Canal funded and proposed by NY Gov. Dewitt Clinton. This connected NY to the Great lakes via the Hudson River.
Erie Canal
These were the people who hated and broke industrial machines and were inspired by the mythical figure called Ned Ludd. (Similar to the Amish)
The Luddites