Internet Basics
True or False
Real Life Scenarios
Is this personal info?
Internet/Text Talk

Where do I type in the website address that I want to go to?

What is the URL or search bar?

True or False. Where you go to school isn't personal information.
False. Never share your plans with anyone on the internet. That includes where you go to school since that is where you will be usually every Monday through Friday during the day.
What should you do? A friend at school asks you for your username so that you can play a game together on ABCya during your computer class.
Your username doesn't have any of your personal information attached to it, so you can share that with your friend. Just make sure not to share your password.
Your favorite color.
Your favorite color isn't personal information because it doesn't share where you live or any other personal info.
What does "JK" stand for?
What is "Just kidding"
What is the arrow at the top left of the browser called?
What is the back/return arrow?
True or False. Your hobbies are not personal information.
True. As long as you don't include where or when you do or practice these hobbies, that is not personal information.
What should you do? On the first day of school, your teacher asks everyone to fill out a sheet of paper with their name, birthday, city they live in and their parents names.
Even though this is personal information, you can share this with your teacher because she or he is someone you trust. If for whatever reason you don't feel safe, ask your teacher if you can take it home for your parents to fill out.
The year you were born.
Yes, this is your personal information.
If you receive a message, online or via text, from someone you don’t know, what should you do?
What is Don't reply.
What does the arrow at the top left of the browser do?
When clicked it takes you to the previous page you were on.
Which of the following statements is FALSE? You should share your passwords with your parents. You should password protect your phone. You should change your passwords often. You should exchange passwords with your best friend.
What is "You should exchange passwords with your best friend." You should never tell or share your password with anyone except your parents or teachers .
What should you do? You find a post online about everyone's favorite TV show. You wonder if it would be okay to comment with yours.
This would be okay. Sharing your favorite TV show doesn't tell the other people where you live or how old you are.
Your moms name and her birthday.
This may not be your own personal information but it is to your mother. Don't share others personal information either.
What does BTW stand for?
What is "By the way".
Name two internet browsers that you may use. (At school, home, etc).
What is Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Safari.
You should delete a message that hurts your feelings.
False, copy and paste, save and print (if possible). Then show your parents.
You are on ABCya everyday after school and always play with MontessoriKid09. You two love playing together and usually set a time the next day for when you both should get on and play. One day they say "I asked my mom about going to the movies with a friend and she said I could. Would you want to go see that new movie that came out yesterday?" Should you: A: I think that would be awesome, lets pick a time. B: Let me ask my mom. C: Respectfully say you can't and sign off. D: Say "That's a horrible idea! I have no idea who you are!" and sign off.
What is "C", followed by telling your parents.
Where you're gonna be after school.
Yes this is personal information. You should never share where you're going to be with someone you don't know. Parents and teachers only.
Something that tells everyone online what to call you.
What is a "username" or "nickname". Neither should have your actual name in it. Try making usernames that have your favorite animal, favorite number or other combinations: Tiger7, ThunderTiger7, etc.
True or False: The internet reaches over 8.7 billion computers worldwide.
What is True.
When playing a game on ABCya, you see a box next to the game showing a game about your favorite cartoon. You know it's okay to click on it, so you do.
What is False! That box is an ad! By clicking on the ad, you could potentially harm the computer you're using with a virus :(
Your teacher gives your class instructions to research a subject of your choosing for a project that will be due next week. You choose your subject and ask your mom if you can use the computer. After you get permission you immediately go to the computer because you are so excited to start your research. You open the internet browser and type in You type in your subject and decide to click on images because you want to print some pictures relating to your subject for the project. When you click on images, you see something inappropriate. What should you do?
Immediately minimize your screen (the small line, top right of the browser next to the box and X). Then go get your mom. Ask your mom to find a safe search website for you so that you can continue your research safely.
List 5 things besides your name and birth date that are personal.
Address Telephone Number School Male or female Age Sports team you play on Passwords Mothers maiden name Parents birthdays your plans
A person who uses the Internet to harass or intimidate someone else.
What is a Cyberbully