Call Flow
Processes & Soft Skills

What information is necessary to confirm the contact details?

For contact information, we need the primary's: 

  • Phone Number

  • Email Address
  • Mailing address


Which three pieces of account information must be included in the ticket properties section of every ticket?

  • BEPS Customer ID

  • BEPS Loan ID

  • Denali link to specific loan account.

When should a Zoho Ticket be merged?

When you find yourself faced with multiple, duplicate tickets in Zoho for the same situation or request. (Duplicate tickets for then same request.)


What do we say when a caller notifies us that the primary has passed away?

Offer empathy by expressing your condolences.

Script: “I am so sorry for your loss or, we offer our sincerest condolences.”


What template is used for 'Outreach Attempts' notes when handling tickets, if both the phone number and email are invalid?

The "Invalid Contact Information" template.


What is the final piece of information we share with a customer on an inbound call before ending the call?

- The CSAT Survey.

Script: “Before we end the call we just want to make sure we are providing a 5 star service for you. Would you be willing to take a quick survey? It should take no longer than 30 seconds or so.”


What are the two steps to send an email correctly in a Zoho Ticket?

  • Choose "Reply" to send the email without including the ticket information.
  • Utilize the appropriate "Email Template" for each type of process.

What information is required when we are notified that a customer has paid off their loan in the Churn Cancellations process?

  • Begin by congratulating the customer for paying off their loan.
  • Next, inform the customer about the various loans we offer and inquire about any existing loans they may have.
  • Lastly, inform them about our referral program and provide instructions on how it operates.

How would you describe the RESPA period to a customer who is unfamiliar with it or its workings?

Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA) contains a safe harbor provision that provides that as long as the borrower makes a timely payment to the old servicer within 60 days of the loan transfer, the borrower cannot be penalized.


In which section of the 'Call Handling' should we include important details from conversations with customers, such as acknowledgments, agreements, and authorizations?

In the "Actions Taken" section.


Name and explain the three attempt priorities.

  • Low Priority: This category will require 1 contact attempt in 2 business days.
    • First attempt: Call, no answer, leave a voicemail. If no VM, notate the account.
    • Second attempt: If there is no answer from the customer, please send the closing email.
  • Medium Priority: This category will require 2 contact attempts in 3 business days.
    • First attempt: Call, no answer, leave a voicemail. If no VM, notate the account.
    • Second attempt: Send an email asking the customer to call us back. Notate the account. DO NOT call. Unless there is no valid email address on file.
    • Third attempt: If no answer is received from the customer please send the closing ticket email and close the ticket.
  • High Priority: This category will require 3 contact attempts in 4 business days.
    • First attempt: Call, no answer, leave a voicemail. If No VM just notate the account.
    • Second attempt: Send an email. Notate the account. DO NOT call. Unless there is no valid email address on file.
    • Third attempt: Call, no answer, leave a voicemail. If No VM, just notate the account.
    • Fourth attempt: If no answer is received from the customer please send the closing ticket email and close the ticket, notate the account.

Explain how to fully acknowledge and react to a tip and trick on the Confluence page.

Read the page that contains the tip and trick, then scroll down to the bottom of the screen and click on "add a reaction" to add a thumbs-up emoji.


What must be verified before making any updates to transactions?

  • The Notes.
  • The Transaction table & History.
  • The Account Balance.

How should we handle a call where a customer is upset, disappointed, or even threatening to sue EarnUp? 

  • Don’t take it personal.
  • Apologize to the customer about the situation that she/he is facing.
  • Listen to the customer and put yourself in his/her shoes.
  • Show sincerity and build trust with the customer.
  • Professional language.
  • Do not blame the EarnUp company, previous peers, or lenders.

What information should we always collect and document after speaking with a third party?

We need to collect and document their full name, email, and phone number.


Explain the procedure to follow when an unlisted caller requests account information? (In a general call)

The caller must verify the account information for which they are calling. We should not disclose any information to the caller, and instead advise them to have the primary account holder call us back to add them as an authorized user.


What should be done if there is a pending action on a ticket that we cannot complete at the moment?

Place the ticket on hold and set the correct due date.


What specific information do we need to verify to reactivate a loan account marked with an R08 code (Customer placed a stop payment), if the customer wishes to use the same bank account we already have on file?

  • Ask the customer for a letter from the bank that clearly authorizes EarnUp to continue debiting the specific bank account we have on file. (Send a secure link)
  • Alternatively, call the bank with the customer on a three-way call. During this call, have the bank representative confirm that EarnUp is authorized to continue debiting the specific bank account we have on file.

How would you explain the EarnUp product to a potential customer, and what steps need to be taken to enroll them?

Script for Product Explanation:

"What EarnUp offers is a solution to simplify making your loan payments. The way that we do this is by breaking your loan payment into equal installments according to when you get paid. Once your loan payment is due we send the full amount to your lender with what was collected. As long as your loan does not change all you have to do is set it up, and enjoy the ride. "

Enrollment Steps:

  1. Obtain the customer's personal, loan, and bank information. Additionally, set up the debit schedule and determine if the customer wants to use the acceleration benefit or add any additional payments.
  2. Inform the customer about the emails they will receive, including the authorization form, and send a secure link for them to upload their latest loan statement.
  3. Encourage the customer to verify the information sent to their email. Also, if possible, ask them to send the necessary documents to validate the forms while on the call.

What information should be included in the note template as per the Change Schedule call handling notes when we updated the escrow amount? (This is excluding Tier 1/ Tier 2 Call, Request, Method, Caller, Actions Taken, and Additional notes)

  • The Effective Date of the escrow change (Month/Day/Year)
  • New Monthly Mortgage Payment Amount
  • New Debit Amount (Including Transaction Fee)
  • One-Time Debit (If applicable)

What pieces of information are required to authenticate a caller on an inbound call? Additionally, explain the process of authenticating a secondary user?

For Authenticating we need the primary's:

  • Full Name

And two of the following:

  • Last 4 SSN

  • Date of Birth

  • Mailing address

The secondary account holder must confirm all the authentication information of the primary account holder as stated above.


What action should we take after making an update or adjustment to a Denali/CAS customer's account?

Refresh the page to confirm all changes have been made correctly.


What information is required and needs to be validated when someone seeks full access to the primary EarnUp account to access data and make changes?

  1. We need a power of attorney (POA) document authorizing her to be the primary on the account and have the power and authority to direct us to debit funds from the bank account and pay the lender  - Must have the the full name, address, account number, last 4 of his Social Security. A letter is not enough.

  2. The POA should list the secondary's full name, address, account number, and last 4 of her Social Security on it.

  3. The POA needs to be notarized.

  4. We can only have one primary so we need to ask him if she will now be the primary and he will be the secondary.

  5. The POA must be a name on the bank account.


What would be the most effective way to manage the following situation:

"A secondary calls, expressing frustration and upset because her January payment was late and she was charged late fees"

  • Show empathy towards the situation.
  • Follow the Secondary user access process.
  • Inform the customer that we can review their case for possible reimbursement. Send them a secure link to upload a copy of their loan statement and escalate a ticket for review. (Ensure to communicate that we need a copy of the document to investigate the reimbursement, and remember not to make any promises.)
  • Arrange the payment schedule to ensure all future payments are sent on time, preventing late payments. (Ensure to explain about the payment schedule with the customer.)

What was the last tip and trick that QA sent? Who uploaded it, and on what date?

