What was the Qur'an?
The Qur'an was the holy book for Muslims that revelations of Muhammad.
True or False: Muslims preferred logical reasoning rather than experimentation
What were Jews and Christians called during the Islamic empire? What were the negatives of being of another religion at the time?
The Jews and Christians were called the protected people (since the Quran protected their rights) but had to pay a tax for pursuing another religion.
What is a Caliphate?
An Islamic political organization/governance government under the Caliph ruler (dynastic system)
What was the name of the Arab desert nomads?
What was Hijrah?
Muhammed's journey 200 miles north of Mecca to Yathrib to avoid hostility.
True or False: Women had more economic and property rights than other countries
Name 2 rules the Muslims were to follow.
Religion cannot be separate from life
No pork or alcohol
Friday afternoons are for worship
No priests are allowed
What are some major achievements of the Abbasid Caliphate?
advancements in Science, medicine, math, and culture
What were the 4 common themes presented in Muslim poetry?
Bravery, love, generosity, and hospitality
What did Umma mean?
The religious community that meccans joined after converting to islam when muhammed died.
What was a common theme between Muslim art and architecture?
Art and architecture often consisted of bright, vibrant colors and complex designs, as well as lots of geometrical shapes and patterns
What are the five pillars of Islam?
Why did the Caliphate decline/fall?
economic difficulties
What were the 4 kinds of art Muslims began to use after art became more popular in the empire?
Woodwork, ceramics, textiles, glass, and arabesque
What is Ka’aba?
An ancient shrine where Arabs once worshiped Abraham but had started to worship hundreds of idols.
What were the 3 empires that emerged after the breakup of the Muslim empire?
The Safavis, the Ottoman, and the Mughal
List the three main beliefs of Islam.
There is only one god (monotheistic): who is called Allah
Good prevails
The Qu’ran houses the revelations of the prophet Muhammed
Each person stands before Allah on a final judgment day.
Who was the first Caliph after Prophet Muhammad?
Abu Bakr
Why were the Muslims interested in astronomy?
They needed it to fulfill 3 of the 5 pillars of Islam (fasting, praying, and pilgrimage).
What did Shi´a mean?
A type of Muslim, who believes in Ali rather than the Sunni. (the word meant party)
What was the name of the Persian scholar who wrote the books “Comprehensive Book” and “Treatise on Smallpox and Measles”
What was the story of the Prophet Muhammad?
Muhammad was praying when the angel Gabriel came to deliver Allah's message to tell him he was the last prophet. Those who agreed with Muhammed were called Muslims. He controlled political, religious, and military aspects.
How did the Caliphate contribute to the spread of Islam?
Military, trade, and Islamic teaching
What are the 2 main ideas presented by Muslim empires that are used in modern-day lessons?
Relying on scientific observation & experimentation, and finding mathematical solutions to old problems