The most famous pianist who could be said he had the hands of an octopus
What is Lizt
What is Papi's favorite cake
What is Cheesecake
Where did the "wait that is illegal" meme come from
What is Halo
What Island was fought for by Argentina and England
What is the Fakland Islands
Who is supposobley the 'Devil's Violinist'
What is Paganini
Who is on Nightmares kitchen
What is Gordon Ramsey
What is a big meme rabbit called
What is Big Chungus
When was the accident in Chernobyl
What is 1983
Who is famous for chords and improvised scales on the cello to make a nice song
What is Bach
Where was Tea originated
What is China
Where is Carl Wheezer from
What is Jimmy Neutron
When did the USSR dissolve
Who lived in the shadows of Mozart
What is Saliari
What kind of person told british people about tea
What is a Portuguese woman
When did Spongebob first premier
What is May 1st 1999
When was the Russian sleep experiment held
What is the 1940's
Who is the "paganini" of the cello
What is Piatti
What was the first bread made
What is flatbread
What does Patrick to run from
What is a squidasuarus
When was Jesus killed