So many good things yet to be done with these two hands of mine. ~
(The Best Life Ever)
~ I’ll take some love and build us a bridge—connects your heart to mine.
What is a Communion Offering also known as?
A Peace Offering
How do you say "Paradise" in Chinese
乐园 (leyuan)
What is the second greatest commandment?
What was the writing on the wall that Daniel deciphered?
Mene, Mene, Tekel, and Parsin (Da 5:26)
When we look back in some future time At these days in which we live ~
(Now Is The Time)
~ Then we’ll say that for Jehovah We gave all that we could give.
The equivalent of $37,000 of this item was burned.
Magic books
How do you say "One hundred forty-four thousand" (144,000) in Chinese
十四万四千(shi si wan si qian)
List the last Four(4) Regional Convention Titles in order
Don't Give Up - 2017
Be Courageous - 2018
Love Never Fails - 2019
Always Rejoice - 2020
Which tribe of Israel were experts with slings and would not miss?
Benjamin (Jg 20:16)
This precious gift is from our God up above. ~
(Truly In Love)
~ Exclusive devotion—‘love’s as strong as death.’
What animals were allowed to be offered up as burnt offerings?
Bulls, rams, male goats, turtledoves, or young pigeons. (Le 1:3, 5, 10, 14)
How do you say "Song of Solomon" in Chinese
雅歌 (yage)
Which Book of the Bible comes after Habakkuk
Youngest son of Judge Gideon, he alone escaped being slain by his half brother Abimelech
Jotham (Judges 9:5)
Each trial I face, you help me get through. ~
(Never Give Up)
~ No king and no ruler, no fam’ly or friend
What did Noah offer up as a sacrifice when he came out of the ark?
All the clean animals and all the clean flying creatures (Ge 8:20)
How do you say "Christian Life and Ministry - Meeting Workbook" in Chinese
chuan dao yu sheng huo ju hui shou ce
What was the name given to Isaiah's second son at Jehovah's command?
Maher-shalal-hash-baz (Isa 8:3)
A place that will bring to you praise ~
(A Place That Will Bring You Praise)
~ And will serve the needs of worshippers,
How much water did Jehovah burn during the fire test on Mt.Carmel?
32 meter squared or 103 sq ft (it vol.1 pg. 711)
How do you say Zaphenathpaneah in Chinese
撒法纳巴内亚 (Gen 41:45)
What is the final topic in the Insight Book
Name the 3 constellations mentioned in the Bible
Ash, Kesil, Kimah (Job 9:9)
Ursa Major, Orion, Pleiades