Who was the founder of the church in England?
St Martin of Augistine
Where did St Augustine and his companions stop by?
Gaul, France
What is a pagan
A fake god
What religion was England
Which King was baptized
King Ethelbert
What is the difference between a pagan and a peganist?
What did Augustine and his monks developed?
A way rather then destroying the pagan temples, they, they used them to preach about god
Who was the king of England
King Ethelbert
Why did Augustine and his companions stop at Gaul (France)
To learn the language and customs of the Anglo-Saxons
True or false: Is a pegan god a real god?
When did St Augustine die?
May 26, 604
When did England become Christianized
From the 1st to the 4th centuries
What was the name of France back then?
What is a peganist
A fake god
Who was the founder of the first church in England?
St martin Augustine
What shore did Augustine and his companions land
The English Channel
who was the princess of Gaul (France)
A christian princess
True or false: People back then worshiped pegan gods
What sea did the St Augustin and his companians go to?
Mediteranean SEa