mr duchins class
social studies
ms morris's nickname
what do we do at recess
fill in the lyrics
I wish i knew _____________
I wish i knew you wanted me
what movie did we see most recently
wakanda forever
what is mr duchin's favorite present when he was a wee little duchin
a box of details
what food did ms morris teach us how to make
where's ronaldo
hes crying in his car
who was wrapped in aj's hammock
which one of our friends was the most sweaty stumble guys player
pronounce chester the crab's full name correctly first try
chester the time traveling talking squash buckling crab
what color hair does mrs devine currently have
who kicked the soccer ball on to the aquatics center
what was that one dhar mann video about that we watched at jeremy's sleepover
what was the color of the ball in indoor soccer in jermey's basement
what does nana duchin do as a job
tour guide of the colonial place
what color was the unit 3 math folder
what was this years world cup song
tukoh takakakattutattututattattttktkakt
at my bday party, who shat on the slide
Remeber that one time we played indoor soccer in the basement? What colors was the thing we used as a goal
green and purple/pink
what was the first vocabulray word
i think its cuervo
what was the score in pens of the wc final
at my bday party, what did the girls give everybody
yeast infection
which person has the knuckles car