Who freed the Israelites from slavery?
What is the First Commandment?
I am the Lord your God you shall not have any other God's before me.
How many years were Moses and the Israelites traveling to get to the Promise Land?
40 years
What did God send as a punishment for their complaining?
Where did Moses die?
Mount Nebo
Who forced the Israelites to go into slavery?
The Pharoah
What is the seventh commandment?
Do not steal
What did God give us to learn about the love of God?
The Beatitudes
What did the bites of these snakes cause?
Who was the leader after Moses died?
What was the sea that the Israelites had to cross to get to Egypt to get to the promise land?
The Red Sea.
What were the Ten Commandments sign of?
They were a sign of God's love
How many tribes were there?
12 tribes
How were the Israelites healed?
Moses put a bronze serpent on a cross.
How old was Moses when he died?
120 years old
What did Aaron's staff turn into when he threw it to the ground?
A snake
Where were The Ten Commandments made?
Mount Sinai
Where were the Ten Commandments kept?
The Tent of Meeting.
What is mortal sin?
A decision to turn away from God by doing something that we know is seriously wrong.
What river does Joshua part?
Jordan River
What was the meal that Jewish people ate at Passover?
The Seder Meal
What did Jesus give on the night before He died?
A new commandment
What is a recipe for finding God's happiness?
The Beatitudes
What is venial sin?
A choice to turn away from God by doing something that we know is seriously wrong.
What did Moses do to Joshua before he died?
He laid his hands on him.